Monday, November 13, 2006

Deadlines and Commitments....

Red Scarf Project: January 2007.

Caps to the Capital: January 2, 2007.

And of course, Dulaan. Some breathing room there, the received by deadline is July 1, 2007.

And is Thanksgiving really next week? Are you shitting me? How did this happen?

I'm seriously planning to skip the holidays this year, simply because, when I search my heart of hearts, I don't actually give a damn. Both kids have an opportunity to pick up extra shifts at work they shouldn't refuse, and I have zero desire to knock myself out going through the motions decorating a house where nobody's home but the dogs.

A cousin is coming down from MD, we'll get together and do a "Christmas lunch" in a restaurant with my mother a few days before the day, and of course we'll exchange gifts, this isn't about being Scroogy or grumpy, but honestly, I just don't have an urge to decorate or otherwise put myself out. I like to bake, so I'll bake, because I LIKE to bake. I hate the labor of decorating and undecorating, so I'm just not gonna do it. I have no small kids to impress with a Christmas tree and I have a couple of dogs who will spend the work day undecorating it, so I think we'll go tree-free. I may stick a wreath on the front door, if I feel like it.

I came to terms with my indifference the other day, and I'll tell you, it was so liberating! All of the years of self-induced holiday stress are gone! I may or may not cook a small turkey breast for dinner next Thursday, mostly because Girl does love stuffing and pie, and the leftovers would be handy. Christmas Day I'll sleep late, because that would be the best gift I could give myself. Maybe a pitcher of mimosas and some French toast around noon. And an afternoon on the couch, watching movies, and napping with the dogs. Mmmmm....

I feel liberated. Truly free at last!


  1. That truely does sound like heaven! I'm not scrooge, either, but are all the trappings necessary to appreciate the day?

  2. If I promise not to miss the decorations, can I come? sounds fabulous to me! As much as I love this time of year its a lot of stress and $$ with little payback frankly!

    I'll even bring sock yarn :)

  3. Debi, if you can tolerate a futon bed and the worship of insane terriers, you are welcome! How about a knitting and mimosas Christmas, hold the Santas?

  4. The last several years I've celebrated the holidays at home alone. People just can't understand why I would pass up a change to do "something" just to be by myself. I've come to enjoy it immensely. No stress, no strain, I'm not sitting around wallowing in memories and depression--I highly recommend it.

    Right now I'm hoping to do some fiber and yarn dying over the Thanksgiving weekend. I also have a pound of raw fleece that I want to clean and wash. That sounds like more fun to me than a "normal" holiday.

    I think you've got the right idea!

  5. buy some cinnabon cinnamon rolls the day before, and leave them get a bit stale. slice htem up, and use them for your french toast. c'est magnifique!

  6. Now I want a Florida Christmas. Of course family obligations being what they are I won't be doing that. I'll be thinking of you though - curled up on the couch with dogs & knitting....sigh..

  7. Anonymous10:09 AM

    One present you must purchase for yourself is........batteries for the remote control!! You don't want to wake up on Christmas afternoon and have a dead remote.

  8. I love the simplicity of single holidays. Thouhg, truthfully, since I have no kids, I always kept it simple. Partly because if I put the decorations up, sometimes they don't come down for a couple of years. But, because I am trying to sell the house, I may holiday it up a bit more, for show.

  9. Poormary - I've got batteries (get your minds out of the gutter, jeez!) in FL it's normal to keep a storm stash of batteries on hand. All I need is a pitcher of something cold and maybe some splurgy new DVD collection.

    Crabbylou, Cursing One, et al.: I've done almost 30 years of "Doing Holidays," the whole nine yards, corporate parties, private parties, gifts, gifts, gifts, baking, baking, baking, decorating, undecorating, etc. I don't hate it, I just don't feel like doing it this year. I'll do what I want - a little baking, buy a few gifts. Now I need to get the office onto the "let's all donate to a charity instead of a gift exchange!" thing and I am home free.

  10. I so wish I could skip the holidays. Blech on them this year. I am particularly grinchy, but have just enough southern gene that I can't just tell everyone to blow off, I have to smile and play the charm game. Blech again.

  11. Anonymous9:11 PM

    We're having pizza and pumpkin pie for thanksgiving. Christmas is up in the air.
