Sunday, April 23, 2006

Oh, My Aching Liver.

I had a wonderful time with the cousins, and I remember most of it. The drive up was hell, and I really didn't want to turn down the beer (at noon) because damn, it was a really bad drive. The Snowbird Migration started on Saturday, and I-95 was hideous - car after car with out-of-state plates, piled to the headliner and heading North. If you're ever considering looting North Carolina, I'd suggest Easter Week, when they are all down here. Just hit 'em before Saturday when they ALL get on the road and Drive Real Slow. Ohio must have been pretty empty too. And none of them could drive for shit - speed up, slow down, hit the brakes for no reason - the last straw was when they had a mass slowdown a mile from my exit. There is a good reason I don't trust myself to carry a gun. Anyway, I got to my cousin's and my blood pressure was through the roof and I was hoarse from shouting curses, and the breeze off the water was lovely and the view was lovely and the beer was cold. And it was good. Then it was off to a beachside bar/restaurant (L's sainted husband was designated driver) for more beer and raw oysters and blackened tuna and fried things. Then back to the house, where apparently it was Margarita Time. What could I say, my cousin is very proud of her margaritas. And they were good, with lots of salt on the glass, yum. Then the neighbors, drawn like all good Floridians to the siren song of alcohol being consumed outdoors, tromped across the yard and we found ourselves partying with 70somethings - hilariously fun people. The back of the house is all sliding glass doors onto the lanai, with the screened pool beyond and beyond that the canal that leads to the Intercoastal, and damn, I love that house. It was all opened up and still cool enough to sleep with the windows open and the fans on - lovely! My cousin is NOT rich, they bought this place 20+ years ago before it became chi-chi-poo-poo, back when shopping meant the Winn Dixie and a restaurant was McD's off the interstate. Now it's worth a freaking fortune, especially on the canal - the neighbors have cabin cruisers that cost as much as my house tied up out their back doors. (My cousin doesn't have a boat.) I'm definitely making more weekend trips up there this summer - without Cousin L and her husband my liver will not be tortured (as much). Lunch was another highly caloric but alcohol-free indulgence, then I had to get on the road to come home. Southbound traffic was moderate and moving nicely, and I was home in the usual hour and fifteen, door to door.

Went to Target, Spent Much Money - but I didn't spend anything at the cousins' except my contribution to the food, we didn't shop. (Too drunk.) I bought another set of those bamboo sheets at Target, I really do like them, they are very silky and cool and comfy, and sheets without holes are a Good Thing. Doing laundry. Need to color hair. Wanted to paint nails but I don't have the energy, I'll save it for tomorrow night. The work week begins again. Damn.


emmy said...

I have been following your blog for a while..lurker that I am. I have to say that after the stresses you have had lately you sure deserved such a wonderful weekend. Your liver will recover. Sounds like much fun, fellowship, great food AND drink!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

Sue said...

I went to Northern VA to see my nephew (yay!) and the traffic there was horrendous too. I hate it when the worst traffic is at the end of the trip. It was worth it though. I hung on to him for dear life!

Jan said...

I saw those Bamboo sheets but was worried about how well they wash. Do they wrinkle? Do they shrink? Do you dry them in the dryer without problem?

I look forward to hearing from you... shykat @ comcast . net just remove the spaces.

Thank you!

Catherine said...

Jan - I'll try to remember to email you but I'm bad about that. The sheets are great, they don't wrinkle and they are very soft and cool and light. I wash them in cold water and dry them on low, no shrinkage at all. I will be very bummed if Target quits carrying them.

Jan said...

I just got a queen sized bed and am buying sheets.. have 2 sets of 100% cotton that are soooo nice but saw the bamboo ones and thought I would ask when I saw you had some of them. I hadn't seen them at Target but at Bed Bath and Beyond so will check Target.

Thank you for the heads up cause I absolutely LOVE soft sheets.
