Tuesday, April 11, 2006


40 minutes on the phone with my mother, on top of 8 hours of being the calm head in a crisis at work, and I'm toast. I've reached "Could fuck up garter stitch" brain function and I'm going to bed. It's 7:30. Benadryl, take me away...at least for a few hours. I think I'll be going over there on Thursday.


geogrrl said...

"Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?"

Heh. My brother used to riff on that one, doing a somewhat obscene version of one of the Captain Highliner commercials. Hilarious.

Whiny dependency and helplessness suck... literally. You should go on Thursday, just because it will make you feel better. But beware. You will return physically and mentally exhausted and little will have changed. However, you will have seen for yourself, which will give you some mental ease.

geogrrl said...

"Johnny, what can you make outta this?"

"This? Why I could make a hat, or a brooch, a pterodactyl..."

Catherine said...

I'm going over there for a specific purpose - to get the right hospice services in place. If they're going to send him home he needs a daily visit from a nurse. If they're not going to take him home I need to be involved in that too. They are both too confused and overwhelmed to process everything they are being told at this point, there are a lot of gaps in the story (I haven't talked to him at all) and of course Denying the Obvious is a grand family tradition. If I can get this done over the phone I will try to go that route but I think this would be better handled face to face. She's actually holding up pretty well, considering.

Amie said...

Hang in there - you don't want to develop a "drinking problem" - you know what a mess that would be.

Anonymous said...

You deserve a huge pat on the back - or box of chocolates - for being the rock in times of trouble at home and work. Some people just stick their head in the sand, but you're pushing through. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, sweetie. There's nothing worse than dealing with sick, aging parents. Oh - you want a life too? Silly you!
Just remember you have friends (albeit internet ones) who are thinking about you and keeping you in their prayers.

Teresa in Chicago

geogrrl said...

Yes, it is always better to deal with these things face to face, and I hope it all goes well for you and them. Perhaps your parents will finally see some sense. But I dunno...

Catherine said...

I don't want to develop a "drinking problem" - it's hell on the mascara! Besides, I think recklessly spilling beer is at least a venial sin for the Irish.

The "gladiator movies" line reminds me of an incident from my last job. The managing attorney had, shall we say, a reputation for getting involved with the staff. So I heard him at the desk of the cute little blonde paralegal at least 15 years his junior, and they were talking about attending some legal function, and he was going to drive and pick her up at her house. After they walked away I said, "Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?" causing the couple of (trusted) attorneys nearby to snort coffee out their noses.

geogrrl said...

Hee! Yeah, I would have snorted coffee out MY nose. Good one.