Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Katie Couric Quits Today. Yawn at 11.

Who gives a shit? I mean, really - other than the thought that it will make the CBS Evening News I don't watch anyway even more unwatchable, why do people care? The woman is an insanely overpaid insipid nitwit whose greatest talent on the Today Show was the Katie Face - the Pouty Look of Intense Concern during interviews. (She was either thinking or taking a shit, it was hard to tell sometimes and the output didn't offer a clue.) That, and letting them stick a camera up her ass and/or squash her boobs during sweeps. To echo Angry Black Bitch, I guess we can thank God she quit before the next sweeps fell around time for her next pelvic. So go forth, Katie, with your pouty face and nasty orange Jessica Simpson fake tan, go forth and make millions of dollars flappin' your gums between the commercials that are the real reason you are there. I've figured out that I can cure my morning news crisis by recording Keith Olbermann and watching him while I get ready for work in the morning. Aaaaah, brains. Wit. News. So refreshing.


Carrie K said...

Not so much news as entertainment sandwiched in soundbites.

You don't care??? Me either.

Cursing Mama said...

And here I thought I was the only one that found Katie "hard to take".

Gigi said...

I am not a big Katie fan, either. Hard to take her seriously with that weird, wide grin.