Monday, April 10, 2006

"I picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue."

Name that movie. I don't have a prize handy, but it's not like it's hard quote.

So, today I went to work and had a normal quiet morning, and then all hell broke loose. Work deadline crisis for the department. The guy spearheading it has a family medical crisis in another state. My mother calls, my father has been admitted to the hospital to have a feeding tube inserted (he's still lucid and with us, barely able to find the energy to speak but sharp when he does, but unable to swallow). Tomorrow I will work out the details of the work crisis, guy with the family crisis out of state and I will deal with those things, and our three day weekends will be spent in insane stress. I need a vacation. Far away. With dolphins and waves and pedicures. And wine. Definitely wine and stacks of books.

I do wonder, sometimes, why some people have lives of ease - regular vacations, plenty of money, they can't even imagine having to learn wound care or Oncology for Dummies or mustering the energy to talk soothingly to freaked out 80 year olds 4x a day while juggling a crisis with $10 million on the table - and I got MY goddamn life. I just wonder. I know the stock answer is "These things Happen for a Reason," but hold that out and examine it - it's SO not an answer.


geogrrl said...

Airplane... and you forgot the rainbows and unicorns.

I often ask the same questions; why is it so much easier for others? Some coast along and never worry about more than a hangnail. I have no answers.

Catherine said...

Boss and I could do entire office conversations in Airplane dialog. I quote it often at this place and they get it after a pause. I have no answers either. I've heard people carry on about things that aren't even a hangnail to me, and I just don't know what to say. Jump into the deep end, where the sharks swim?

dragon knitter said...

AIRPLANE! "looks like i picked a bad day to quit taking qualudes." one of those days, eh? i'm sorry, hon, if i win the lottery, you can have 2 mil right off the top. and i do understand.

Anonymous said...

Airplane... looks like I am a little late to name that movie. No, I don't know why some people sail through life and some people have a march through Hell. All I can say, I understand....

Anonymous said...

I don't suppose you'd buy "God doesn't give people more than they can handle?"

Me neither.

Anonymous said...

The only thing I can tell you is that sometimes you have to just give it up to God. It really helps me and helps the situation. Amazing things happen with His help. I hopeyou believe. I guess if you don't........


Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I don't know many folks who at *some* point don't get a dose of the real-life-itis. Some people seem to avoid a lot of it, but it still eventually hits everyone. (I think. If not, I don't want to know. I like to believe.)

Myshelle10 from KR

Cursing Mama said...

I've no answers for you either, just keep asking similar questions. Also, now I'm considering taking up glue sniffing JUST so I can use that line ;)
Hope somehow you manage to get some rest and relaxation this weekend.

Amie said...

What gets me is when those people behave as though they somehow earned the easier life. Feh.

Hang in there. I'm thinking about and praying for you... now stop calling me Shirley.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's a lot to deal with on any day but even harder when it all comes at the same time.

The only things I can say is, "Keep breathing." and remember to take care of yourself through all of this.