Saturday, April 08, 2006

I have a new hairstylist. Finally. Really.

So today I took the gift certificate Boss gave me over 6 months ago and braved the Day Spa - to get a haircut. I have not been thrilled with the recent efforts of my last new hairstylist, particularly her last effort, which was flat and heavy in places and too full in others, and that is bad on both asses and heads. So I figured the spa's hairstylists are used to dealing with the high maintenance, which could be good for me since I don't know how to be high maintenance but maybe they'll automatically assume that I am, and besides, it's free. The guy did a great job. I'm very pleased. The thing about being 47 is that a lot of hairstylists have a mental picture of what is "appropriate" for you, and it generally involves curling irons and hair spray and lots of "age appropriate" frou-frou. Poufy, "styled" middle-aged hair. Shoot me.

I told this guy I needed low maintenance, my fine but plentiful hair flattens out in the humidity and my job can take me outdoors for hours of sweating in the sun without notice and I need to look reasonably groomed while sweating. He started cutting and just KEPT cutting, and took off a ton of misdirected layering. (He also voiced approval of my color, which I do myself.) I now have a daringly short haircut with perfectly balanced layers that will grow out nicely. I had a moment of anxiety when he took out the thinning shears, which are lethal in the wrong hands, (trust me, I know, I've had them used on me by the wrong hands) but he's really good. It works. We hit it off very well. I was impressed with his skill and he got what I was saying even though I'm absolutely terrible about explaining what I want. I did not come home, go to the mirror and pick up a pair of small scissors and start adjusting things that were missed or that I didn't like. I trust him and I'd definitely go back. Maybe I'll even get a pedicure next time. If I have time.

I did my taxes and I'm getting $500 back, which is a nice modest return and means I've got my deductions almost right but I'll need to tweak it again for next year. I was so afraid I'd owe money, I procrastinated until today. But it's fine. Whoo.

And I pissed away HOURS sampling yarn from my stash and the Pi Are Square pattern, and didn't find anything that worked. I want a neutral, keep in my office for chilly meetings shawl. I don't have that yarn in my stash. I have a light gray that is too heavy and warm (I want to keep the A/C off, not an Arctic wind), and a blue Cotton Fleece that really could work but somehow didn't quite, because I don't wear that much blue, and I have to revisit the stash and meditate on this. I don't really want black, and I don't really like knitting with black. I think I have a silky tan wool that could do it. But I'm really craving a handpainted with neutrals, so it's not Entirely Beige. I AM getting a small tax refund.... I did swear I'd buy no more yarn, but that was when I was afraid I'd have to write a check to the guvmint. Hmmm....

Since Taxes were my major thing to do tomorrow and I did them today, and I don't have to pay BushCo anything, tomorrow I can play. And shop.

1 comment:

Gigi said...

My hairstylist always gives me these little flippy wings on the sides of my head, so I always come home and shower, so I can re-do the do. I am middle aged, but I so don't want to look any more middle age than I have to.

You have problems with cotton, don't you? I got some gorgeous cotton from Elan, very subtle colors. They are that cotton that grows in colors. Pachuko, or Pakucho, something like that. I prefer to buy where I can feel the yarn, but they have such great prices, sometimes I can't pass it up.