Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy Friday to All!!!!

Wooo! This week went by fast but not without its share of crazy, so I'm really, really ready for fun this weekend, and I shall have it - I'm going to visit my cousins. We will overeat and do serious damage to our livers and probably stimulate the economy, because my tax return appeared in my checking account today and my Cousin L is always up for shopping. I'm looking for accessories. I don't own enough, other than bags and even then, can you really have too many? And shoes. I want cute flat shoes. I currently own ugly, functional black loafers. I want cute and fun shoes.

I'm loving the crocheted shawl for the most obvious reason - a dropped stitch is A dropped stitch, if I put it in the bag and the hook falls out I don't have to scream and curse, it Doesn't Matter. Ditto the Ripping Out if I screw up (and I can screw up anything) - one stitch at a time, it's so low-stress. I'm remembering the joys of crochet, I just wish I could find a really cool source for sophisticated crochet patterns. I've Googled my fingers to the bone and if I see one more freaking afghan square or bath scrubby I'm going to barf. I did find this Delta Breeze Shawl that looks like a keeper. Otherwise, let it be known: an afghan wrapped around the body is not a shawl.

I've never understood the enormous style gap between knit and crochet - crochet has the potential to do all sorts of things, but the sophistication is all spent on doilies. My Gram was a demon crocheter, she made doilies out the wazoo and trimmed everything that didn't squirm away with crocheted lace. I still have some of her handiwork and she's been gone over 30 years. But when it comes to garments, crochet hasn't kept up - at least in the pattern venue. The stores are full of trendy crocheted cardigans and shrugs and such, crochet is very hip, but dammit, where are the patterns??? I have the skill (been crocheting since before I can remember - seriously, I think they started me around the age of 4) but not the time or inclination to design anything - I am happily lazy, but frustrated because I can't find what I want. Oh, to win the Lottery and become a crochet designer!


Debi said...

Get yourself a copy of IK Crochet, Some VERY nice patterns in there!

Have fun this w/e!

Catherine said...

I haven't seen a recent issue! It is the best of a sorry lot - it has great promise. I need to order it if I can't find it on the rack.

geogrrl said...

I don't understand it, either.

Part of it, I think, occurred in the 1960s and 1970s when clothing patterns were trying to imitate what could be done with knitting. You can't. Crochet has inherently different properties. Much of the crocheted fug from that era has to do with inappropriate yarn and designs.

However, crochet done with yarns no heavier than DK, in appropriate stitches and patterns, can be exceptionally pretty.

I've got a 1970s pattern for a lacy little cardigan and a few other things I've been considering for myself. I'll scan them and sent them too you. However, much of what is in the book is 1970s ugly.

dragon knitter said...

try the crochet dude, hes got some nice stuff

Amie said...

Ah, and I think you've just beaten the nail in as to why I won't fully learn crochet. I understand the basics, but if all I can find to produce looks like what I've seen out there... why on earth would I spend time on that!

Anonymous said...

Well if you spot any other good patterns, please be sure and post and let us know...

(I keep avoiding learning to knit lace because my knitting skills are not all that great - but why if laceweight yarn and shawl patterns are so popular in knitting, why isn't there any in Crochet (which I would have thought before learning of the knitting blog world would make more sense!)