Thursday, April 13, 2006

Get me someone who won't crack under pressure.

How about Mr. Rogers?

It's a shittiful day in the neighborhood. My father was sent home from the hospital today, in the classic indifferent clusterfuck manner that is apparently normal hospital procedure. Home health care was supposed to be ready, they weren't. Someone was supposed to show up to train my mother on the feeding tube - they didn't show. The pharmacist caught the prescriptions he was given and said they'd interact badly with his heart meds and he'd have to call the doctor. This is just fucking wonderful. So she's home with him, has no idea what to do and calls me. As if I can do anything at all?

Meanwhile, I worked from 8 until 7, the 4th long day this week, fueled on 2 Diet Cokes, about 8 pretzels, and a lot of rage. During this time I talked to the doctor once and my mother twice. Long calls. She's flipping out from the stress, and I don't think she's going to be able to handle this without a lot of support from hospice. They are supposed to show up tomorrow. So I'll try to get there early and be there to talk to them too. The doctor (who sounds like an okay guy but not impressively doctorly, if you know what I mean) has no real explanation for the inability to swallow - it could be this, it could be that. But otherwise, my father's condition is stable and may even improve. Or not. Who knows? The conversation was less than satisfying.

Me, I'm getting increasingly UN-stable, and tomorrow's recon mission is, I hope, not the first of many slogs across the state triggered by panicky phone calls. I am going to size things up, talk to hospice people, and leave as soon as decently possible. I am too fucking tired and stressed for this right now. I have had an insane week and I'm not 25 years old and I'm not going to ruin my health for this. If I sound like a bitch, I earned it. I could tell you stories, yet I'm trying to be a responsible daughter here. I saw this day coming and did everything in my power to get them to move over here. BTW, in case you are wondering, they are not in the Old Family Homestead, surrounded by friends they don't want to leave. Fuck no - they are in a house in an "active adult" community where they have never been active or made any friends. There is no support system there and his doctors are not exactly the goddamn A Team. I tried to get them to move, I would have arranged everything, I would have found them other doctors in nationally ranked facilities, I'm willing to be a good responsible daughter, but they are not willing to meet me halfway, so my role is limited. Their choice, whatever.

I'll be in bed at 9. I think I screwed up a row on that extremely simple shawl, but I don't have the energy to think about it right now.


Anonymous said...

I've been trying to think of something encouraging to say, but I can't come up with anything. This just sucks for you. I, at least, have a sibling to share the suckiness with.

I'm surprised your parents' reason for not moving closer to you has nothing to do with ancestral ties. (That's my parents' reason for living 80 miles from a decent hospital.) That must make it all the more frustrating for you.

Aaarrgh. And double aaaaarrrggh. I'd take you out for a beer or nine if I could. I know it's lame to say this (I have no idea why I'm lapsing into teenagerspeak), but hang in there.

geogrrl said...

All I can say is that really sucks. If I could, I'd help--even if it was someone to bitch to.

However, my style doesn't always go over with other people. That would be "Damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead."

Lulu said...

prayers for your father and you..
I hope things get less stressfull for you all..

Bess said...


Knowing you were right doesn't help at all, either.

I'm so sorry this is happening. Not surprised, no. But mighty sorry.

Cursing Mama said...

You're not a bitch and you're probobly a better daughter than I would be given the circumstances. I'll be thinking of you this weekend and hoping that you can get things straight and get home where you belong quickly.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and your parents, and sending lots of cyber-hugs and support. There is simply no reasoning with elderly sick parents. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

Hang in there, sweetie. We're all rooting for you.

Teresa in Chicago

Anonymous said...

Maybe things will get better after you meet with hospice tomorrow. At least you'll feel better.

Hang in there darlin!

Marfa's Mewsings said...

Ms. C,
Your attitude & tho'ts & reasons for said attitude & tho'ts do not define you as a bitch in my book.
You're clear thinking, practical, smart, observant & you're a planner. Grr to the realization that all you tho't would happen is unfolding.
Your parental units are like the ones I have, in a way, as they are in denial, stubborn, think your/my ideas are for the birds & are living w/fear. Not a good combo.
Sending you tho'ts of calm, good sleep, easy knitting & if all else fails, a damn good cold beer.

Debi said...

Now that mom recognizes the gravity of the situation and living so far away, any possiblity of broaching the subject of a move to and ALF??

Also, if you need to bitch "live" I'm close enough for a phone call and I'm a good listener! If you need me, email me and I'll send you my #.

And do at least ONE nice thing for yourself this weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Feeling for you, C...
