Saturday, September 03, 2005

Not much to add to this


"Now you can shut the fuck up about 9/11. Bush just proved what would happen with another 9/11. Dead Americans as far as the nose can smell."

Homeland Security, the specter of chemical attacks and nukes in backpacks, all the bullshit boogeyman lies these people have used for four years to scare us into docility, "give up your freedom and don't question our authority, we know what's best for you" - it was all smoke and mirrors. The brutal evidence of our government's lack of preparedness for a national disaster (or a major terrorist attack)is all over the Gulf coast.

Of course, it's starting - the wingnuttery is launching a counterstrike - blaming the victims, blaming the mayor of New Orleans, blaming the state of Louisiana, it's just breathtakingly vile, racist stuff. But it's not working. When reporters on Fox News start screaming at Sean Hannity on the air, maybe the tide has started to turn.

Me, I'm gonna spend my Labor Day weekend cleaning the house, knitting, watching the news, and using as little gas as possible, because there's not much to spare around here.


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Dag. That is a real rant! Yowza.

  2. well the good news is, even some of the staunch, die hard, "I only vote republican" people I know are finally starting to really see just what they elected.

    Funny, he could rush home in the dead of night to sign the bill to allow congress to spit on the constitution in the Terri Schiavo case but it took him FIVE DAYS to make it to NOLA???

    That man's impeachment is long overdue!
