Saturday, September 03, 2005

I'm going to bed soon....

I swear I'll post about other things tomorrow, but I had to share this: Unforgivable. Can't add a word to it. Except that the phrase "Professional Bush humpers" is now part of my vocabulary.

Along with "Chimpy McFlightsuit." From someone's comment on Kos. Doesn't that just nail it?

I'm trying to (gently) rein in my son, who is hot to just go up there and do something useful, anything useful, and, like, tomorrow morning. I'm telling him to wait 60-90 days. That's when the real grinding but vital shit work of recovery will start to kick in, and the people there now will start hitting the wall. Sign up now, sure - after the cameras go home and the media is focused on the next Celebtrash wedding or spawning, that area will still need serious help. And everybody will be sick of hearing about it and Chimpy will be telling us to "Get on with our lives."

I'm off to bed.


  1. Anonymous11:46 PM

    this is a couple of days old, but so well written and I think you'll like it:

  2. I read that the other day - it's excellent, and so true. They trued to move heaven and earth for Terri Schiavo, cut back vacations, dragged people back to Washington, but the greatest disaster of our lifetimes - it's just surreal.

  3. Insert tried for trued above, I'm on my first cup of coffee.
