Sunday, August 14, 2005

Go Read.

M. Kane Jeeves. His current entry is hilarious, but most of his essays aren't funny at all - just well written and scary as hell.

The link above is from his archives, a story I don't recall at all in the MSM, do you? The government can drug our kids without our permission?

Orwell was an optimist.


geogrrl said...

Deity help us.

I won't be more specific. I'll take the help of pretty much any deity, past or present, as long as it can stop this nonsense.

Catherine said...

You and me both - petition the deity of your choice, but, damn, I'm afraid for my at this time not conceived grandchildren. I have never been a big homeschooling fan, mostly because in this area I saw a frequent link between "I haven't read a book since high school," and passion for homeschooling. In the pure and largely imaginary sense, homeschooling parents are highly educated and capable. In practice, not so much. But if this shit doesn't get knocked out by saner minds after the Dubya reign I'll be a vocal proponent of homeschooling for my grandkids. I'll run the school if I must. They may have mouths like Marines when we're done with them but they will have read many real books and know how to do research.

dragon knitter said...

unfortunately, this is already in place in many states. i read in that article about texas's foster children. unfortunately, it extends to children who are state wards but still in the physical custody of the parent(s). my sons are state wards (long story, email me if you wanna hear it, i doubt it though, lol), and i had to fight to get my preadolescent son (he will be 13 in less than two weeks) to get him off of Concerta, which is an extended release version of Ritalin, and he is just fine without it. he outgrew his ADHD. however, my younger son is on a molotove cocktail of drugs (and a whole alphabet of diagnoses) that will cause a whole world of problems if i just dropped him off them, which i am not allowed to do, even though he's my son, and living with me. on top of that, while i have separate income that i could potentially live on (and i'm engaged to be married in a year as well) i am court ordered to "maintain employment" so i can't homeschool my kids either. trust me, as soon as i can figure a way around this crap (hopefully the boys' case will be closed soon), i will be a SAHM and homeschooling my brains out, because i can guarantee that the school system here is NOT challenging my children. sigh. gotta love it, eh?

Catherine said...

Good points. And yet, the program exists, so we'll see how it plays out.