Saturday, August 13, 2005

De-Cluttering Saturday.

Loving the job but coming home brain-fried has had a negative effect on the condition of this house. To put it mildly. I talked a good game of cleaning last weekend but ended up running the streets to the LYS and SuperTarget and such. And obsessively knitting a feather and fan washcloth and falling in love with linen.

This weekend MUST be different. The clutter level - mail and catalogs and magazines and this-n-that - has risen to engulf us all. Laundry is piling up. My once-so-magazine-photo-shoot-lovely kitchen now looks more like the sort of kitchen in photos that accompany stories about the crazy recluse who suddenly went nuts and shot up the neighborhood. We get a lot of junque mail at the House of the Bossy Dogs. It is piling on every flat surface right now. Especially since Girl has enrolled at my alma mater - not a day passes that she doesn't receive some sort of little love note from someone there telling her they are nearly wetting their pants with excitement because she will be joining them this year.

So as God is Mah Witnuss, I am not going to let my ass hit the couch until the kitchen is restored to its former loveliness, and the horizontal surfaces in my house are cleared of dust, cat hair, Chinese restaurant menus, empty Coke cans, kicked off shoes, dog chewies, etc., so after a breakfast of leftover Kung Bo Shrimp (breakfast of champions!) I'm on the job.

Kerstin and I often end up blogging about the same issues, but she tends to find better stuff than I do, and this Kung Fu Monkey The opening sentence of this rant is hilarious and depressingly true.


Anonymous said...

I'm not even sure how I found Kung Fu Monkey but I was giggling with delight. LOVE this paragraph:

"And you're looking at that big bastard across the ocean, the US of A. First to build the Bomb. First to master the secrets of the atom. First to build the semiconductor. First and only tribe of humans who actually put men on the GODDAM MOON, to have stepped on another rock in space. Decoders of the human genome, the VERY BOOK OF LIFE !!! How will we ever stop --

Wow, they forfeit. Cool."

Funny monkey!


geogrrl said...

What Kerstin said. In 10-20 years, the US is going to be very sorry for allowing the lunatics to run the asylum.

As a scientist, I'm beyond appalled.

Anonymous said...

I left a message here one day saying that I love the doggy pictures, because they brighten my day, but I was thinking last night, as I was discussing politics with the hubby, that I'm equally, if not more, grateful for the links like Kung Fu Monkey that you include.

Oh yeah. The knitting stuff is nice, too. (I'm all about the linen myself right now.)

geogrrl said...

Nice Scarlett O'Hara impression, by the way.

Catherine said...
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Catherine said...

Sorry, got distracted by dogs barking, deleted the incoherent post above. AS I WAS SAYING - when my son was 5 he was too young for the cutoff for public kindergarten so I put him in a local Christian school that was more flexible. Okay, so they were more fundamentalist than I'd have liked, but of course, they were happy to have a Catholic kid to convert, and I wasn't worried about that crap.

I met mothers who cheerfully admitted to not having read a book since graduating high school. The kindergarten teacher next door left barely literate notes to the parents in her class. My son was lucky, his teacher was excellent, but she was one of four K teachers, and she was gone after that year. Of course, we were too.

This has been coming for some time. We have never had a society that admired intellectual achievements but we've gone from ignoring the smart creative kids to encouraging open contempt/suspicion. In a generation we'll be the cheap labor for China and India. But by then we won't have anyone under 30 who can define "irony" so it won't matter.