Saturday, September 11, 2004

Ivan, Ivan, Ivanivanivan!!! It's all Ivan all the time on the news, the entire state is in a sort of mass panic attack and has been rendered dysfunctional, doing nothing but watching the track of the storm and discussing which Home Depot has restocked on generators and plywood. The Charley-Frances double hit really has the entire state crazy, and the obsessive local news coverage fuels the hysteria. I'm so over it. I'll be watching videos this weekend, thank you, and peek at the latest map online every now and then. You know it's really crazy when our offices in Miami announced that they were closing Monday for a storm that, so far, isn't going to go anywhere near them. It's like closing Washington D.C. for a storm in New England - we're in the middle of the state going HUH?? WE aren't closing, why are they? It's just nuts.

Right now it looks like Ivan will be heading for Girlchild's house, which alarms me a lot, but the path continues to turn westward. Maybe some other state can have a turn with this one. If it doesn't turn far enough west, a few days in Jacksonville with her other family look like a really good idea.

On to other subjects, because I'm sick of living, breathing, thinking and talking about hurricanes and the preparation for and cleanup after. Some of the other subjects are actually knitting-related.

The new Knitty: Zigzag is very nice, but I really like Blaze, the shape, the neckline, very nice! I'd have to substitute the yarn, there's no way I can do alpaca/angora in this climate, but that's totally my style. I also love Leo, the man's sweater, I'd wear that myself. The articles, as usual, are terrific.

I'm on the second front panel of Plain Jane, my oatmeal Galway raglan cardigan. I think I'll make a lot of progress on it while watching videos and avoiding local news.

Happy news from the world of my old employer - the vile Queen Bee was fired! It took them a long time to notice that she was completely worthless and an arrogant bitch to boot, but the clue fairy finally whacked management hard enough to wake them up. Whoo-hoo!

I think I'll hold off on a few rants that I felt like ranting earlier - I just came in from a hot session of storm cleanup in the yard, and right now I think it's time to color my hair, take a long shower, and maybe - just imagine - go to the mall. I feel like all I've done for the past month is prepare for storms, clean up after storms and go to work. I haven't been inside a mall in months. I'm due for a little retail R&R.

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