Saturday, September 25, 2004

In case you were wondering, that Weather Pixie is one lying little ho. She should at least be windblown and nervously looking at the sky. The storm is still offshore and many miles away, but the wind is picking up noticeably. Someone asked in comments after - was it Frances or Charley? I can't remember - about the emphasis on the eye on the news. The eyewall is the strongest, definitely, but it also starts to break and slow down when it encounters land. The bands around it can extend for 200 miles and they don't seem to slow down much when they come in. The most dangerous side of the storm is usually the northeast side. Which is also the side we'll be taking in my area, now that the eye has shifted west. But by the time it comes up from poor Vero Beach or wherever it comes ashore it will have slowed to a Category 1.

It's overcast here with occasional bursts of rain, the wind is picking up, the trees are blowing and the garage door is already flexing and creaking. It's going to start getting rough after dark and stay that way for the next 24 hours. I haven't moved the computer, I'm waiting to see how things get later, and where the worst of the wind comes from. The plan is simple, figure out where the wind is worst and go to the other side of the house. :-) Depending on how things are by 9 p.m. I may be sleeping on the futon, that's the most sheltered room in the house. It's going to be a rather sleepless night.

So, storm fiber therapy - I'm so close to finished with the All Season Shawl, I will work on that while there is A/C and light. If the power goes out I need something light in color, not too small in gauge, and not big enough to make me sweat while holding it (I'll be sweating enough, thank you.) I'm thinking cotton-ease baby hat rhythmic, mindless, easy to see, and fun. Fun is good. I need more fun. Life has been strikingly not fun lately.

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