Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Deeply Disgusted.

 I went to bed at 10. I took 2 Benadryl and listened to sleep stories. I woke up at 2:30 feeling so tense. I checked my phone and learned that white people decided we should go with fascism instead. Democracy had a pretty good run, but America is over.

And you know, if their Orange Savior was a really smooth, slick talker who said all the right things and tricked them, I could sort of understand. But JFC, he's a shambling, slurring, incoherent, hateful old fart. If he was your grandpa, the family would be having a serious conversation about putting him in a home.

White people saw, shrugged, and said whatever. They proved they'll vote for anybody but a brilliant and qualified black woman.

I feel gut punched, sickened, and like an idiot. Though I'm in Florida  and it really does suck here, clearly I've been living in my own happy bubble all this time. I work in a multicultural environment of mostly college graduates of all ages, my friends are multicultural, gay and straight, younger and older than I am. I thought I knew a pretty representative cross section of Americans.

Clearly, though I'm a white woman, I have not been living in the real white America all this time. 

I have no positive thoughts to share. I am utterly and completely disgusted with this country.


  1. Glad to read your post, I just don’t understand! This is a travesty.

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I am hoping to move past my anger and get to the point of tears. I used to be able to cry, now it's a very rare thing. Tears are healing, and much healthier for your body than the incandescent fucking rage I am experiencing right now. - C
