Friday, August 23, 2024

Hi, Sorry, I've Been Busy Joyscrolling and Stuff.

And this post has been languishing in draft for nearly a week.

This summer has been quite the year. I'm exhausted and it's only August.

First, the Prince is absolutely splendid.

He's bright, smiley, already babbling away, (his mom reports he interrupts as much as his big sister), and is hitting all the developmental targets and then some. He even SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!! I have no idea what that's like; both my kids were lousy sleepers, like me but on a different schedule, so I didn't get more than 5 consecutive hours of sleep in the 80s. I mean, in the entire decade. This kid is truly splendid. 

Funny story added: It's hotter and more humid than the exhaust fan at Satan's Laundromat, so my daughter has been driving The Kid to middle school, saving her the torture of waiting at the bus when it's already 90 degrees and you drip sweat in 3 minutes. They take the Prince with them. 

They were in the front chatting, while the Prince babbled along from his seat. When The Kid got out of the car, the Prince stopped babbling. A mirror check showed he was still awake, but done talking. My daughter realized he'd been participating in the conversation. When his sister got out, the "conversation" was over. He's 3 months old, y'all. We got ourselves another early talker here, for sure.

In other grandchild news, the eldest NC girl is starting high school??!!! at the end of the month, and The Kid started 7th grade last week. Jesus, I AM old. I now have a High School Freshman, a 4th Grader, a 7th Grader, and The Prince.

And on that I'm Old note:  I'm starting the exciting-yet-tedious journey of prepping for retirement next year. I'm so ready.

Meanwhile, I'm SO full of joy watching the DNC! That was the best convention I've ever seen! The people who put it together should be able to write their own ticket for everything they produce from now on. I'm old enough to have watched quite a few of those in my life, and they were always so freaking boring. Blah blah, speeches, blah blah, people wearing silly hats, blah. 

This was a freaking PARTY!

We're taking back the flag, God, and just basic damn decency! And yes, I watched the roll call of the states, with the DJ and the appropriate tunes, and I LOVED it!  This was FUN and energized, and as someone I've forgotten said, this will be the new standard, and states will compete with each other to have the most fun and surprising presentation of their votes. (I'd still greatly prefer that we remove the useless, gross, infected appendix that is the Electoral College and burn it like the diseased medical waste it is.)

And Kamala and Tim are the perfect people for this time: smart, experienced, plain-spoken, highly capable, and taking no shit, but with smiles and positive energy. I'll be spending the next 80-some days doing whatever I can to get people to the polls. AND VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY DOWN THE BALLOT, PEOPLE!  We can do this, and we can give Kamala a Congress that will do their damn jobs.



  1. Good to hear from you! So glad that "The Prince" is doing well, he is adorable. Have high hopes for this country.

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I am so totally with you on all the joy and that amazing convention. It’s such a relief to have sane, practical, energized humans on stage! Now we knuckle down, eh? Love that the Prince is blossoming, too.

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Oops, that’s me, Caroline, on the comment above
