Saturday, June 01, 2024

He's HOME!!

He came home late yesterday. He's home on oxygen until further notice/the doctors figure out what will happen next. He's bright-eyed and fascinated with his new surroundings, to the point where he stayed awake for over 3 hours at one long stretch today, taking it all in, until fussiness and the need for sleep conquered his FOMO.

The big sister who didn't really care about having a baby brother is now obsessed with him. 

I'll meet him tomorrow. I've been giving them space because it's a lot to bring home a new baby under any circumstances, but the added layer of figuring out the most practical ways to manage him and the big sister's very active social life is a LOT. I believe today's tween schedule included last minute dress shopping for a friend's quinceaƱera, and then a sleepover with a former dance friend back in town for the weekend. 

Yesterday was volleyball camp, a second volleyball training session, and then the middle school Friday night hangout at a nearby trampoline place. I handled all the transportation to her activities yesterday, after working all day. 

My daughter tried to get me to take The Kid dress shopping today, but I noped out on that with a quickness. I did have plans, and I also have NO IDEA where to take a nearly teenager shopping for a semi-formal dress, what kids are wearing, what's appropriate, etc., that's her mom's problem. I could easily see that turning into a very long thing of texting dresses to her mom for opinions, etc. I said daddy could bond with his new son for a couple of hours, and it all worked out fine. They found a dress and shoes in two hours, and she's off partying.

Then there are the pets, the oxygen, etc., and yeah it's a LOT, the parents really didn't really need grandma dropping by "just because." Tonight they can have their first quiet evening with their new baby, after The Kid is off to the sleepover. 

I'm just SO glad he's home and being a baby in his own home. There will be more tests and doctor appointments and possibly even surgery, but right now he's getting a chance to sleep and eat and get lots of cuddles and just be a baby. He's soaking it in like a happy sponge.

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