Sunday, February 04, 2024

Here's the new address, just like the old address.

 At least for now, I'm not renewing my hosting for my own fancy pants blog. Obviously I don't use it enough to justify the expense. I'll be rambling on at the old address for now, though I may shift to a new address on Blogger. This will be the signpost to the new address, when there is one. 


  1. You can’t get rid of ME that easily! ;)

  2. Yay!! You're the first to find me!! I wish I had a prize, but I was seriously wondering if anybody would get here, after my very half-assed blogging for the last few years.

  3. Nice move! Glad you won't be paying for something you don't use. Always enjoy your posts.

  4. JoAnne4:05 PM

    I'm here, enjoy your posts!

  5. Thank you, thank you for following me back here! Now I'll have to relearn Blogger, which totally changed its interface while I was off learning Wordpress.

  6. I’ve got you updated in Feedly again! I always read, although dont always comment. One day I’d be interested in your take on how Disney is cracking down on third party folks who make a living getting people through the whole Disney experience. I read about it in the NYT and it all seems a bit of a zoo.

  7. Hmm, I'll have to look for that story. There are tons of YouTube channels, websites, etc. specifically for "How to Disney," and they're not only allowed, they get comped with experiences to share. I'm now curious about what those folks are doing that made the Mouse mad.

  8. Ooops. Had the wrong news site it was the Washington Post. This is a gift link, you should be able to read the article. kimmen.

  9. I'm a WaPo subscriber, since NYT has been dead to me for years. Interesting. Thanks for a topic for a new post!

  10. I too enjoy your posts and plan to follow you here. Love reading your take on life, good and bad. I'm rather clueless as to how this works however-- do I just type in "Bossy Little Dogs" (which is what I have been doing) to get here??

  11. Hi Elizabeth,

    This is the blog address: If you type Bossy Little Dogs it may take you to the soon to be defunct hosted site.

  12. Caroline Gaudy3:47 PM

    I'm with you on not spending money needlessly. Go, you!
