Sunday, December 02, 2018

Please, Have a Boring Filler Post.

This is totally filler, to remind me that I do have a blog and I've sworn to myself I will retool it and use it. Pretend you're reading one of those Pinterest-linked recipe sites where you are besieged by ads and pop-up demands that you subscribe, when all you did was follow a link to read an Instant Pot recipe for chana masala, and are instead treated to paragraphs of "charming" stories about how the "blogger-chef's" two darling daughters, Asheleighe and Madeilynne absolutely loved this recipe when she served it while teaching a homeschool class about Diwali, and with each paragraph separated by at least three ads, not counting the shit going on in her sidebar, which kept the whole page from scrolling.  I never did find the goddamn recipe.  But of course she's getting paid to blog, while I still do this for free, so who's the idiot?

Anyway.... We had a couple of days of what passes for winter, but it's 80 again and the AC is on.  I had hoped we'd do Christmas at Epcot yesterday, but unfortunately, my daughter's washing machine died a very premature (only 8 years old!) death, and she had to wait around and then paid a repair man $100 to tell her it would cost $500 to fix it, which was repairman speak for "It's dead, Jim."  So that ate up the afternoon and, long story short, my son-in-law was dispatched to buy a new washer today.  But that and intermittent splutters of rain blew up the weekend plans.  I have extracted a blood oath that we will do Epcot Christmas next Sunday, rain or shine, come hell or high water.  Then there will be festive photos, maybe??

Everyone is fine (other than the pain of unexpected washing machine death, of course).  Miss D is thriving this year. School is fine now that she's being challenged in the gifted program, she's on the dance team and lives for dance. She's on the school cross-country team. She's the busiest 7 year old in the US, and she loves it that way. The NC girls are likewise doing fine; eldest granddaughter reminded me via her dad that I hadn't sent them their Jacqui Lawson Advent calendar yet.  I corrected that last night. I've also committed to knitting them hats.  I haven't knit much in the last couple of years.

I've been hanging out on Twitter a lot: I'm @bossylittledogs.  I do not follow the fake president, but I do follow a lot of people in the media and in Congress.  And if anyone had ever told me I'd be nodding and saying you're damn right, Rick Wilson and Bill Kristol (two media people far to the right of me) I'd never have believed it,but honestly, Twitter is keeping me sane these days. 

But at the same time I'm horrified that ALL of my most paranoid imaginings of November, 2016 have turned out to be real. Yet, the Blue Wave of the Midterm election was incredibly satisfying to see, and the House is now in the hands of people who will actually DO something, and the "president" is falling apart more every day.  I am feeling more positive about the future than I have in two years, but it's going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better.  But it WILL get better.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Thanks for the updates, it is great to hear from you again!
    Ev in VA

  2. Caroline aka FiberTribe3:14 PM

    SO glad you're back. xo.

  3. Hello!
    Those poor poor people who have to provide so much happy content; I feel for them, living and dying by public sentiment.
    I haven't been able to read more than a page or two in two years. I find myself craving books again.
    Blue Wave Yes! Except I live in Wisconsin, where the answer is to change everybody's job description so only republicans can rule.

  4. good to see an update- all good wishes to you and yours for a happy holiday season (i am hesitant to even write 'happy holidays' for fear of being 'politically insensitive' but you are a like-minded person and will hopefully accept them in the spirit intended)-

    as always ... regards from texas-
