Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Oh yeah. Irma.

Can't sugar coat it; this is looking bad. This is a monster storm, strongest on record in the Atlantic. I have been buying supplies, and I think I'd prefer to go sit this out at the house, instead of in this condo. The house got a new roof after the last hurricanes, so I know it's up to code. (This doesn't mean it will not get hit with a tree, but it's at least structurally more trustworthy.) The roof here I believe is original, circa 1986 barrel tile. The board has been "discussing" the re-roof program for a while. I'm upstairs, so if any part of the roof decides to leave I'd rather not be here. The critters and I shall decamp with enough supplies for a couple of days, plus important papers and such. I'll clear the balconies, close the blinds and otherwise batten down the hatches here, but yeah, I'd rather not test the roof personally. It will suck if I lose my new TV and/or the iMac, but yanno, I'll get over that eventually.

So this weekend three adults, one child, three dogs and two cats will probably pack into a 1600 sq. ft. house to ride out a very big hurricane. At a minimum, I expect the house will lose the fence; that's just due to fall over in any random storm. My worst case scenario is the massive oak tree falling through my condo kitchen, or the roof leaving in large pieces, taking my worldly goods with it. Or a tree falling on the house. That's also a very real possibility. I'm already doing the math on tapping my meager retirement account to cover the hurricane deductible, and praying the insurance will come through. That is by no means a given.

This has pretty much pushed all other writing topics from top of mind. I've been badly neglecting this old blog, I hang out on Twitter, mostly reading and retweeting, because it's a sewer, but an interesting one if you follow actual journalists and political figures. I still proceed with caution. But I've found that with all the reading I'm doing about the bullshit, I have less energy to write about it myself.

Right now, I'm just focused on getting to through Monday.


  1. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Good luck and stay safe!

    Gae, in Callala Bay

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Thank you for posting. We worry, you know.


  3. KatyaR7:29 AM

    I'm so glad you checked in. Here's hoping for safety and few damages.

  4. BridgetG8:00 AM

    I wish you the best -- roof staying in place, trees staying rooted, and no appreciable damage -- take good care.

  5. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Stay safe, and let us know how you all are when you can. We will be thinking of you.


  6. Havent posted in a while- work craziness driving me round the bend. But have been concerned for you. I have a cousin that lives on Tampa Bay I'm worried about too. But as of this moment it looks like you will be on the west side of Irma, which, if. You have to be anywhere near, is the better side to be on. But it will be a monster, if it keeps going like they say. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hope youve got gas, a weather radio, and cash. Wrap the new TV in blankets and garbage bags, and maybe it will be ok.

  7. Caroline aka FiberTribe12:35 AM

    Be safe and pack up the precious things, eh? My mother is in homestead, fla, refusing to leave. Sending good, shove off out to sea energy for us all. Please let us know how you and family and fur beasties fare.
