Friday, August 12, 2005

Okay, so if you didn't think there would be

a pre-screening "sign up sheet" for Rummy's little "Freedom Walk," where the hell have YOU been for the past few years? Every BushCo event is pre-screened and open only to the loyal, so you know this free expression of free Americans freely walking in a spontaneous gesture of freedom is going to be prescreened up the wazoo. Just give those nice folks at the DoD your info so they can run a quickie little background check on you, um, I mean, order you a nifty t-shirt in the correct size! Yeah, that's it, they give you a t-shirt and that's their lame-ass cover for asking for the name address phone and email of every Free American Freely and Spontaneously Showing Up To Celebrate Our Freedom! It's a fun, spontaneous, free little event, really! Honest! Would these people lie to you?

God, you just have to laugh, or you'll throw up. We live in creepy times.

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