Monday, August 01, 2005

New Job Very Good.

Office with small window - a view of nothing much, but natural light, I'll take it. Walls and door. A DOOR! Really nice furniture, real grownup big executive desk, credenza, bookcases, chairs. Did I mention walls and door? Walls need art. Will start bringing in personal crapola tomorrow. Must unearth some old personal crapola that never went to the Cube Farm with me. Really nice brand new Dell PC with big flat screen monitor. Really nice people. Fun Brainwork. Spent the day getting feet back into developer world, and liked it. The best part, looking long range, is that this is not really a "paralegal job," and is what I sensed it was from the interview, an open-ended land acquisition/development role, no defined, restrictive role, making it up as we go along, as stuff that needs to be done surfaces. My new boss is scarily like me, which could be either good or bad - we are both Creative Types and just want to get the work done with a minimum of coloring inside the lines. The third person in Land is much more structured, and God Bless Her, I think this will work. Boss is a totally freewheeling cowgirl, I'm like her at heart but have been indoctrinated into The Need for Structure, and the third person in Land is uber-organized and very structured, so between the three of us, we have a nice mix of styles - if we don't end up wanting to kill each other, of course. I think I may be exactly the right person for this job - I have the legal background and the street smarts and the sense of humor about the business, and I've already nitpicked a set of their HOA docs and recognized names from two of the deals, because it is indeed A Small World After All.


  1. Yee ha! Sounds like you found the rose in the manure pile! I couldn't be more please for you.

    "A Door!" You sound a lot like Les Nessman. Did you have masking tape defining your door back at the cube farm? ;-D

  2. No, but I threatened to do it. I was a cross between Les Nessman and the guy in Office Space who kept complaining about his stolen stapler - name escapes me. New office much nicer. Me happy.

  3. Random Aside:

    Have you been watching Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" on the travel channel? It's wonderful; I think you'd appreciate his sense of humour.

  4. Anonymous1:30 AM

    You're my hero(ine). There is hope for people who are not fresh out of college to get new jobs that aren't hateful! I had the worst day of my working life today -- and my hand hurts so I can't knit. Hmph. So, I am very glad that the new place is so good. You go, girl!

  5. Anonymous3:17 AM

    So glad the new job is off to a good start! Lots and lots of positive things going on, and it's a *great* turnaround from before. Onward and upward!

    Myshelle10 (from KR)

  6. I just happened across "No Reservations" the other night! I loved it, I'm going to start recording it.

  7. Wee Ha! Looking forward to interesting posts about land development in FL. Wishing you mindmelds and productivity. and great knitting, even if I would rather have had you move to MD.

    Just come to the retreat, instead.

  8. Oh, yes, PLEASE come to the retreat, we really missed you last year!

  9. So glad the new job is shaping up to be everything you hoped! Walls and a door sound like bonuses, I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to have them.

