Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Long Day of Doing Nothing But Fun Stuff.

Almost. I did have to take my car by the local garage - they're part of Boy's "I Got a Guy..." network. He's so plugged into everything automotive in the area, I always ask him first before spending a dime. My entire automotive adventure cost me $15 for the mechanic's time, and they took me first, diagnosed the problem, fixed same, had to be begged to take the money, and sent me on my way. It pays to Have Guys.

So as long as I was already up, dressed and wearing makeup at 9:30 a.m., and totally jazzed that I didn't have to drop a few hundred bucks I don't have on car repairs, it seemed like a good day for a shopping tour. First stop was to check out the new location of Sip and Knit. Much better. The rooms are smaller than in the old space, but there are three rooms of stuff (only two are up and running, they just moved in this week). The parking situation is INFINITELY better, especially being behind the Publix on Maitland Ave. - in case of a truly mad parking crisis, one could park at Publix and walk around the building and there you are. (Not that I'm advising anybody to use the Publix lot - and there's no reason to because the shop has at least a dozen spaces - but since I have spent countless thousands shopping at my Publix over the past 23 years, I think they owe me and all of my friends a spot in a pinch.) She's already doing booming business in the new location.

Did I just go look? Oh, hell no. I bought. But I was restrained - sock yarn and a skein of Euroflax linen for some washcloths a la Knitter's Stash. I've always wanted to try knitting with linen to see if my right hand can tolerate the lack of flex, and I figure washcloths are nothing but glorfied swatches, so they are the perfect way to test Linen v. Carpal Tunnel and have something pretty and useful at the end.

And of course I am the queen of the abandoned trend, so I had to get some self-striping sock yarns. I've made beaucoups socks but never tried that stuff.

Then on to SuperTarget. Practical stuff, ingredients for tonight's dinner, but SuperTarget time is of course different from other time, so I spent quite a bit of time there. Then I hit Off Broadway Shoes - all I want out of life is a pair of feminine looking shoes in brown to wear with slacks. I do not want clogs, I do not want super-pointy toes, I do not want a really clunky man's shoe with a slightly higher heel. I do not want them, Sam I Am. Struck out. Maybe DSW tomorrow, if I get my chores done. Otherwise the chores won't get done.

Borders - Chain of Command by Seymour Hirsch, and Kisscut by Karin Slaughter. Someone on KR recommended her and I picked up Blindsighted, I'm halfway through it and totally hooked already. She has a good touch for small town Southern grisly murder stuff, like Patricia Cornwell - and gets the inevitable comparisons to Cornwell in reviews.

Mountains of laundry await. Much housework tomorrow. Today was fun. Tonight I will flop on the couch with the dogs, wind linen yarn, and maybe start a washcloth. Or a sock. Or something. I'm tired of Ribby Cardi monotone colors, though I do love the pattern.


  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    You're right, days like this are great (and I haven't even started a new job).
    Did you see Ribby Cardi shown in an ad in the Fall Vogue Knitting that just came out? So maybe you're not the queen of the abandoned trend, but the harbinger of the come-back trend.

  2. I just started going through the Yarn Harlot's blog. Have you read the entry for January 29, 2004? Laughed my arse off.

    BTW, we may get down your way at Christmas time. I can't promise anything yet, but we've been vaguely talking about visiting our aged relatives there. On set lives near St. Petersburg, and the other in Fort Meyers. If so, I'll contact you via e-mail and we'll see about getting together for coffee or something.

  3. Yes, the Ribby Cardi may join the Berroco tank and the top down cardi in the Abandoned Sweaters Support Group - at least for a while. I needed a small project.

  4. Oh, and I'm a haul from Ft. Myers and/or St. Pete, but should your travels take you within striking distance of Orlanduh, let me know!

  5. I have the VK issue, but haven't touched it yet. I'll take it to bed tonight. In lieu of, say, John Cusack.

  6. John Cusack.... Yow.
