Sunday, August 07, 2005

Housework and Warshcloth.

Love the Euroflax Linen. I'm a bit more than halfway through a feather and fan washcloth and my carpal tunnel is only bitching quietly. This is significant because I 1) love Feather and Fan, because it is lacy but requires only one row of the dreaded K2togs that kill my right hand; and 2) I'd been wanting to make feather and fan baby blankies for a while now, and Doni of Sip and Knit set my imagination going when she mentioned as I was leaving that she/somebody was working on a FnF baby blanket out of the same linen. Now I want to make them for my Grandchildren-to-be-Identified-Later. I'm thinking gender neutral natural colors. What a perfect FL blankie! I can't wait to finish the washcloth and wash it and dry it and see how the texture changes. Working with linen may be nearly as addictive as felting.

I also did a ton of laundry and watched a ton of crap TV and got my head geared up for the next wild work week. This week I must figure out how to work the gym and healthy eating into the regime - I gained a pound and a half my first week on the job, thanks to only ONE (1) gym visit and THREE (3) lunches on the company's dime. I am assuming that not all weeks will go that way, but...damn. I need to get my ass to the gym, lest I outgrow my newly purchased size 10 work wardrobe. Still a size up from my "normal" size 8, but hell, I'll keep 10s if I can get rid of the squishy abdominal thing. The gym will be opening in the new space at the end of the month, God and the county willing, and then they can start classes, I need yoga and/or Pilates. Real Bad.

I'm having a left knee Issue. It's not in the joint, which is the normal place for my knee woes, it's in the ligaments above the left knee. The sucker goes out from under me unexpectedly, like if I'm getting up after sitting a long time, or if I bend down and then straighten up - 9 times out of 10 I can do it without a problem, not even a twinge, on the 10th time, the knee is just not there. No pain in between, no warning, just random knee issues. I never shoulda quit yoga.

No knitting pictures I'm afraid, it rained like hell all afternoon and is still drooly out there, but that's fine, the lawn says hooray. A finished feather and fan giant swatch washcloth to be revealed later. And really cute sock yarns to be socks later.


  1. Working with linen IS nice. I've made linen lace. It blocks beautifully, and in spite of its appearance is as tough as old boots. Linen can literally last for generations.

    Yup, if we get out Orlanduh way, I'll try to let you know.

  2. Meant to say, too, about the knee thing. I have a problem with one knee buckling occasionally, but I put that down to my sciatica. Much of the time it's not painful, but it can cause those kinds of problems. Yoga helps.

  3. One other thing (random thoughts keep occurring):

    Is there anything around Orlanduh of interest beside the big mouse? That one doesn't hold a lot of interest for us. We're more museums/nature walks/historical type tourists.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I made the Euroflax linen shawl that the Euroflax company sells--basic feather and fan. I think it's my all time favorite thing that I ever knitted. I was nervous throwing into the washing machine, but it came out perfect.

    I think I'm going to be a copy cat and make a blanket out of that stuff for my grandkids to be as well--my husband's actually Belgian.

  5. I nearly laughed at the idea that there is anything here but theme parks, but really, if you want to spend a pleasant afternoon Winter Park (a burb of Orlanduh) has a nice boat tour and a really killer museum of Tiffany glass, plus shops and restaurants and such. Or Mt. Dora - great antiquing, but definitely a bluehaired demographic.

  6. I want to do the Euroflax feather and fan baby blanket idea because I have a FnF "carriage blanket" made for me by one of the aunties some 47 years ago, and it's wool so it never saw much action with my kids. I think the odds of them moving North are slim, so a linen version seems the way to go.

  7. In spite of the blue-haired demographic, Mt. Dora and/or Winter Park are much more appealing than the theme park thing.

  8. I'm knitting another shawl in Euroflax laceweight linen. Slippery as a mofo but interesting in a wrinkle-y, old rope kinda way.
    I'm post a WIP pic tomorrow if you want to see.

  9. Catching up on comments- Geogrrl, I'd suggest WP over Mt Dora, but Mt Dora is closer to 75 and not far from me so I'd be delighted to meet you there if you want a detour. If you are detouring into Orlanduh, I'd do Winter Park, it's younger and the Morse Museum is really cool, and there are nice places for a nosh.

  10. Debi, I want to see the laceweight linen, I am now hooked on this stuff, it has that same weird appeal as felting - the thing you make changes and improves hugely in the wash. I LIKE that!
