Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Eeew. Just...Eeeew.

I'd be seriously grossed out if I didn't think that the outcry over this shameless, obvious and utterly pathetic attempt to link 911 with Iraq will underline that it is so over the top, it will become an object of international ridicule: Nothing Honors the Dead like an Old-Fashioned Hoedown. This may be the straw that breaks the Elephant's back, when the saner Republicans realize they got neo-conned into backing this bunch of clueless nutjobs. This is just...desperate and pathetic. And deeply creepy.

Nothing says it like: Is he fucking kidding? Read the comments. Saddama bin Laden, indeed.


  1. All that came to mind when reading the first article:


    I'm truly stunned. Words escape me. Really.

  2. Oh... and I thought Clint Black had a modicum of taste. But then, what do I know?


    Apparently he is a rightwing nutball. One of the comments in the thread above has lyrics to a song he did "Iraq and I Roll" that is just plain weird. I never paid too much attention to him, not being much of a country fan, but...eeew.

  4. Your last sentence there goes for me. I kind of knew who he was, but never paid much attention.

    But yes....eeew.
