Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Dog in the Big Squishy Chair

I bought this chair because I loved it. It was big, it was squishy, it was deep and comfy. And the cats loved it too. So much so that, nine years later, the back cushion is permanently shaped like a cat hammock. Dudley found the cat-ass-shaped nesting spot the other day and was dozing off there when I went to get the camera. Murphy, ever the competitor for attention, cleverly grabbed a really choice chewy and made Yummy Noises right below the chair (because he is too short to jump up there, but we don't talk about that because he's sensitive about his vertical deficit, like Tom Cruise). So instead of a major Awww shot of Dudley sleeping on the back of the big chair, you get "Do I hear Yummy Noises?" Dudley.

Oh, and I never made a Rogue because I already have a Wallaby and in this climate how often does one need a hooded pullover? But I was extremely excited to see
Eris because Eris has a zipper and thus is far more functional in this climate. Love it!


  1. LOVE Eris! Her other hoodie didn't do it for me, but I love this design. The Girl from Auntie is getting really good.

  2. I love this one too. It looks like it could be dressed up to a really nice "Wear to a meeting with the grownups" sweater.
