Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My NSLYS Is Moving

I received a flyer in yesterday's mail telling me that my favorite Not So Local Yarn Shop, Sip and Knit, is moving from its current location on Fairbanks Ave. in Winter Park to 150 N. Swoope Ave. in Maitland. This is happy news, because their current location, how can I put this - blows. It's a lovely shop, don't get me wrong, but it has, like, six parking spaces, all are full on Saturday which is the only time I can get there, and getting in and out if you're coming from the west as I am requires making a crazed bat-turn across three lanes of crabby Fairbanks Ave. traffic while fervently hoping there will be a space in that dinky-ass lot. It's a terrific shop and worth the visit, but it has been a victim of its own success in that it has totally outgrown its parking capacity. I know exactly where they are going, I used to work with a law firm in the same area on Swoope, and it should be MUCH better and have much easier access. Yay for parking spaces.

I have been catching up on movies, and finally saw The Incredibles. Great movie, especially if you've ever toiled in the gray, depressing bowels of an insurance company. The office "set" alone had me in stitches, the gray cube farm was just too, too real life.

Still knitting the back of the Ribby Cardi, and there is a fair chance the back will be done today. It's going quickly, the Encore is very easy to knit and the pattern (I'm doing the all-over rib) is, as are all Bonne Marie's designs, elegantly simple. I do think I'll have to bead some sort of snazzy zipper pull for it, I'm thinking something in black and gray stones with pewter accents. Girl is working today and I may have to go wander the malls solo, looking for a couple more nice shirts for work. Tomorrow the Boys go to the vet, Dudley is due for big boy shots and Murphy's due for his annual and rabies shot. Right now I think I'll go fire up the recording of last night's Daily Show and work on the RC again.


  1. Good to know about Sip and Knit. When will it be moving?
    Best wishes for the new job!

  2. The flyer says they open at the new address on Aug 2.
