Friday, June 10, 2005

ThisnThat Friday

Go read the text of Bill Moyers' latest speech. I'll wait.

It's been a long week, and I'm exhausted. Boss is on vacation and I've been "being him," and a few new crises popped and I haven't gotten to a lick of my own work because I've been returning his calls and interviewing witnesses and writing his letters and consulting with him via cellphone on his "vacation." I'm perfectly capable of doing it, but I'm now up to three jobs (his, mine and the secretary we will never have) and it's wearing me out, and of course my own work, not to mention the admin work, is going undone and I'm falling further behind. I'd hoped to use his vacation time as quiet time to tidy things in anticpation of eventual departure from this hellhole. Ain't happening.

I have an interview next week, and fingers crossed that we like each other and I'm qualified, because if it is as presented to me by the headhunter, it's a good opportunity to break free of the paralegal pink collar ghetto, because, though they are looking at experienced, degreed paralegals as candidates, IT IS NOT A PARALEGAL JOB! It's corporate, an analyst job in an area of contract law about which I know nada, but neither does anybody else, and I can learn. So we'll see what that's about and whether 1) it's a good fit for me and I want it; and 2) whether they want me. I'm interested and want to hear more about it, but I'm not breathlessly freaking out that it is OhmyGodthebestjobever, I may talk to them and decide it's not for me at all and I can't bear to leave construction, or they may find someone else whose background is more in line with their niche industry, so whatever. I'm open to the idea but not desperately crazy about it. I think it will be another strong, relaxed interview on my part.

I've been stress eating all week and have not been to the gym. Tonight that will change, and I think this weekend it's time to go back to South Beach Phase 1 lean protein and lots of veggies, knock off the wine and chocolate) to get myself back on track. Yeah, I'm a freak, I'll start a diet on the weekend.

Fiberly pursuits - I haven't been pursuing much. I MUST pack up the Dulaan box this weekend, I found a right-sized box at the office and it is sitting in my bedroom awaiting loading. I've been crocheting what I have privately (and now publicly) started calling my Life is Random bag - I'm experiementing with a large round bucket bag, using Cascade 220 leftovers from various other felting projects. It will be big and colorfully and very randomly striped, and handy for...something. It's a soothing, stash busting project and all I have the strength for after being Boss all day. The crocheted tank is stalled for a bit but I'll get back to it tomorrow. I've been too tired to do anything that required actual focus.

And I have an eye dr. appt for the week after next, because I am freaking going blind. My close-up vision has changed significantly, I suppose this is in honor of my pending 47th birthday. I really, really need new glasses and contacts.

Life is in a major state of transition, so I was not at all surprised - and was cheered - to read this horoscope. Normally sun sign predictions are fairly irrelevant, but this one is freakishly on the money. Or maybe it's because I'm paying attention.

1 comment:

  1. good luck next week with the interview....
