Saturday, June 04, 2005

Please God, Make It STOP

Raining!!! Enough already!!! As the bitter joke goes around these parts, on Sunday night we went to sleep in Florida, and woke up Monday in Seattle. And have been there ever since. It is gray, it is wet, the rain has alternated between a light drizzle and hurricane force for a solid week. This is NOT normal Florida weather. Our location and shape - long, skinny state surrounded by warm water - means weather usually rolls over us fast - sometimes violently, but at least quickly. We rarely - very rarely - have a front settle in and pee on us for a week. Half the people I know quickly came down with seasonal affective disorder - we Floridians are used to our sunshine. I've been affected, I think - I've slept more in the past week than I have in the past five years. I've been in bed by 9 every night, and could barely drag myself out by 6 for work, and despite enough caffeine to cause heart palpitations I still yawned all day. And I was not alone.

Virtually no crocheting or knitting has been done. I did drag out the latest leper bandage and knock off a few rows before sleep overcame me, and worked in a few rows on the green crocheted jacket. I fell asleep with the new crochet books in the bed - does that count? And I did pick my next projects. First up - even before the crocheted sweater below - will be the little sleeveless shell. I have some Austermann Saba scored at Elann, uh, two years ago? that has been just waiting for the right pattern to come along. I swatched it for the shell and it's perfect, light and silky looking, good office wear for the next job.

Which I still do not have. While we have a couple of possibilities on the table, I am covering my ass bases and continuing to send out resumes to likely prospects, but as I am both picky and expensive, there aren't that many prospects worth hitting in Central Florida. I am adjusting to the concept of moving to a less Mouse-bound city with more real jobs.

Dudley update - he's nearly as big as Murphy now. He does not care for going out into the rain to potty, but I forced him to do it this morning (by carrying his wiggling ass out into the grass, putting him down and telling him to GO) and he discovered that he does not melt, but he still considers water something for internal use only.

At various points during the week I raged with work rants and People Are Assholes rants, but my general ennui spared you all from listening (virtually speaking).

Thank God the dogs are small - they've been cooped up in the house a lot and are currently on a mad running and wrestling fit. If they were golden retrievers this would be like taking a wrecking ball to the living room, but they are small enough to skitter UNDER the furniture. After the young one has burned off some energy and the old one is in dire need of a peaceful nap, I will put the little booger in his crate and go to the gym. Then I'll start that sleeveless shell and work on it between bursts of housework. Because the rain-soaked lethargy that has gripped this household this week has resulted in a backup of cat hair and clutter that is truly alarming. Maybe a stint on the bike at the gym will give me a burst of energy to deal with it.

Rain, rain, please go away!


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Sorry, we had to send it somewhere! Thanks for the sun up here! A fine trade indeed. :)


  2. I am so there Catherine! Woke up to yet another wet, depressing morning here too! ICK!!
