Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Girlchild and the Granddog

are on the road to home even as I type. She called me after she picked him up at the breeders and pronounced him "the cutest little f*r" she'd ever seen in her entire life. He's bubbly and social and showered her with kisses and climbed all over her - his adjustment to a strange dog and cats should be swift and easy. He was not the alpha dog in the litter - one of his sisters took that role, he is a laid-back dude. She met his mother, a sweet, friendly, calm, pretty Boston. (Dad came from another bloodline and is not in residence, but is a proven stud with great offspring.) Sounds like a great mix for this house.

Just got off the phone with her, they just turned onto the highway about 10 minutes from here.... Photos tomorrow.

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