Saturday, May 14, 2005

Dulaan Project mistake rib scarf in progress - less than a foot to go, then I'll fringe it.


  1. Plymouth Charisma - sadly, I think it's discontinued. I love the stripe pattern too!

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    That is a very cool stripe pattern.


  3. Very cool looking scarf there neighbor!

    Actually Charisma was a yarn imported from New Zealand by Plymouth. About 2 years ago Plymouth decided to come out with their own version, called Outback. Outback yarn is very similar to Charisma and is pretty widely can get it here:, search for Outback Wool.

    WEBS took over the actual yarn from NZ and now calls it "Valley Yarns Charisma" with coordinating mohair called "Valley Yarns Fantasia", both of which are on sale right now at WEBS:

    I happen to be an expert in this beacuse I was knitting a sweater with it just as Plymouth was getting rid of it and switching to Outback so I had a world wide hunt for an extra skein! In my opinion, the Charisma is a much nicer yarn and the colors put Outback to shame, and well as Charisma being cheaper!!

    Hope this helps!!

  4. PS - I am sure your yarn is the original Charisma.

  5. Mine is the original Plymouth Charisma, I've had it in the stash for years, but thanks so much for the tip about the WEBS version!! I love this yarn and was crushed when Plymouth changed/discontinued/whatever you want to call it.

  6. i love those colors

  7. Anonymous10:20 PM

    The scarf is funtastic!! What a great pattern the varigation created. Also love the bag. What yarn did you use?

  8. The bag is gray Cascade 220 with Noro Kureyon in a colorway lost to antiquity, but it's darkish.
