Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Corruption of Innocent Minor Dogs

I must preface this by saying I'm not a red wine drinker. On impulse I picked up an Aussie Shiraz, and via klutziness, dumped a glass of it on my desk/keyboard/floor while scanning pics this evening. The keyboard is sticky and probably needs to be replaced. The scanner is fine, everything else survived intact. But Dudley discovered that he REALLY likes red wine. I got it away from him as quickly as possible, of course, he didn't imbibe more than a teaspoonful, but that was enough to convince him that this is really good shit.

I think the keyboard is now permanently sticky and will need to be replaced. 1t has been brutalized for 4 years, I'm surprised it lived this long. The dog is another matter - he now knows what Wine Is, and really likes it.

But that's neither here nor there - my reason for blogging is that two Melissa Leapman crochet books arrived today - Cool Crochet and Cozy Crochet, and screw Lily Chin and her speed crocheting records, Melissa Leapman is the crochet goddess. I saw a half dozen things I want to make while just idly thumbing through these books at high speeed. First up is the cardigan. I have a chocolate brown sport weight cotton that was just sitting around waiting for its pattern to come. But there are so many more. Fun, fun books.


  1. You don't have to chuck the keyboard, although it doesn't matter--they're cheap enough. I did the same thing with a cup of tea--with milk and sugar.

    Disconnect the keyboard, turn it over, and unscrew it. There are about 20 little screws. You should be able to separate the keypad--just dunk in soapy water and rinse. The bottom with the contacts is usually protected with a silicone layer. Just wipe it clean. The keyboard is probably due for a cleaning anyway.

    I HATE Lily Chin's designs--sure they're quick, but they also LOOK like something she whipped up in a few hours.

  2. I flipped it over on a towel and drained it, and wiped it down with a damp microfiber cloth, and it's fine. Keys may stiffen up overnight as the grapes congeal, but so far it's no worse for wear, and considering its ageI'm not sure I want to invest much time cleaning when it's an excuse to buy a new one. It's 4.5 years old and I can pick a nicer one up at Target, no biggie.

    Ditto re Lily Chin - that sort of thing is what gives crochet a bad name. Crochet doesn't have to be chunky-clunky washcloths and baby blankies and "speed" projects that look like nobody gave them any thought. There is a slinky purple spaghetti strap dress in this book that I totally covet.

  3. I love the little cardigan you posted.

    There's one in one of the Debbie Bliss books--a fitted cardigan in the Aran style. I want, and plan on making that one.
