Monday, May 30, 2005

Can we have a four day weekend?

I was just getting into this not working groove. Three serious gym workouts since Friday afternoon. Lots of laundry laundered, dead lawn watered. Dogs played with extensively. And crocheting - on impulse I started a sweater from Family Circle Easy Crochet - a cute little cardigan in purple Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece from the stash from hell. I'm still making progress on the green wool jacket, but since that won't be wearable for six months, semi-instant gratification seemed in order.

It is 95 degrees out there today, and I'm watering like a madwoman but our afternoon rainstorms have not checked in lately and my yard looks like hell. Weatherbug says 70% chance of rain tomorrow. From its virtual lips to God's ears.

Dudley - ah, Dudley. There comes a time in every young dog's life when the Hormones Kick In. Let's just say that Dudley Is Growing Up, and he's "feeling his oats," as the euphemism goes. If he keeps feeling them in this way (no cat is safe, and Murphy is his quasi-boy-toy) he's going to be singing soprano in the Boston Boys Choir damn fast. He's such a quality Boston I don't want to rush to judgment on this, but, damn! He'd be a good stud dog (God only knows he has the enthusiasm for the job) but at the same time, I'd rather not watch L1ve D0g P*rn on a daily basis. (Edited to try to foil Google Pervs, not because I am that dainty). Growing Them has exhausted the child, he has slept most of the past 24 hours. It's the waking hours that are problematic. Let's just say Chewies are no longer the main focus of his life, and I am yearning for those innocent days. Men - four-legged or two-legged, it ain't that different.

Big Exercise and Diet Moment Today - in an archaeological expedition to the Back of the Big Closet, I found a sleeveless blouse that has not fit me for at least 4 years, maybe 5. I could suck in and button it last summer, but the buttons over the boobage would strain to the point of explosion and I didn't dare wear it in public, it was OhMYGodWomanGoBuyClothesThatFIT! Today I put it on, buttoned it and wore it, without any self consciousness, let alone fear of buttons flying off in the middle of Publix. It fits nicely, comfortably, no srain on any seam or button, and it looked Good. This born again gym rat thing is working. Yes, I'll be 47 at the end of June but dammit, I will be 47 and looking Hot.

But this is also why I have held off on starting any tanks - because at the rate I Finish Objects, the size I start may not be the size I need by the time I finish. Yet, somehow, starting a tank in a small fitted size seems like hubris. Which is worse, the hubris to assume I can wear a small fitted tank by the end of June, or the lack of confidence that stops me from assuming it will be so? I can't tell from here.


  1. Regarding Dudley: Bwahahaha! And I'm not sure he'll get much better. My brother's dog h***s everything in sight still. Very annoying. Is that kind of behaviour trainable?

  2. Murphy had the Big Boy Operation around six months, he still lifts his leg to pee and humps Boris (small dog, big cat working away somewhere around his kidney, it's priceless) whenever the mood strikes. But at least he's not as obsessed as the young one is right now. He's all hormones. He's sleeping now, because horndogging is exhausting. Thank GOD, or he'd drive me insane. But I can't mandate fixing him, he's not my dog.

  3. I meant, small dog working away at a big cat somewhere around his kidney. Pardon my lack of clarity. Boris sits quietly and Thinks of England, or assumes this is what he has to do for a can of Fancy Feast around 5 p.m.

  4. Heh. Either way, that's quite the mental image. Boris is either very old or very patient. Or both.
