Saturday, May 21, 2005

Actual Fiber Stuff Saturday!

Found on Knitters' Review: The Knitting Vault I want to make this: Vintage Camisole and this: Cascading Hearts Love that camisole - straps that will cover a bra strap, nice neckline, flattering shape.

It was a slacker sort of Saturday - crocheting, tv, laundry, dogs. Girl and I thought about doing something ambitious like the gym or the mall, and decided to lie down until the urge went away. Tomorrow we can shop. Today was for goofing off. And for wandering the dangerous aisles of eBay - where I just had to bid on some REALLY vintage crochet stuff, 40s and 50s era patterns. (I know "80s stuff" is considered vintage now, but that really disturbs me.) And I see Melissa Leapman's new book Cool Crochet is available on Amazon - I wonder if my Barnes and Noble has it on the shelf yet?

Oh, and go read this, and try to name an American politician with that kind of fire, eloquence and cojones. I can't think of one at the moment.


  1. Man, it's nice to hear commentary from someone who can actually SPEAK. Who can put forward a rational argument, rather than just rhetoric.

    BTW, I collect the older pattern books when I can. I also find it extremely disturbing that the 80s is considered "vintage".

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    There's a video of his remarks or a link to them from the BBC site.
    Go get'em George!

