Tuesday, April 26, 2005

What Day Is This?

Tomorrow is Wednesday, right? On Thursday Boy flies to Tally to drive truck of his sister's belongings back. (He is a good Son and a kind Brother, and he also owes me a lot of money so I basically own his ass for the next year or so. I say go drive a truck, he goes and drives a truck.) Girlchild stays up there until it's time to collect the puppy on Tuesday, it made no sense to drive back here and then halfway back to Tallahassee to get her new baby.

Oh my, one week from today we get a new baby!!! I am so not ready. Actually I am - we have a puppy crate (Boy is flying up with a small travel crate to pass to his sister to carry the puppy home) and generally pet-proofed house and yard, the rest will come with supervision and training. Bostons are very quick learners, thank God. The breeder reported that she has already introduced them to crate training and they have remarkably few accidents for a six week old litter of 8. I don't think he'll fall in the goldfish pond more than once, and he will not be allowed in the yard on his own until he is much more mature and trustworthy.

Murphy still does not like to be out in the yard alone, I think he has enough sense of his own small size to know a hawk could mistake him for a bunny. It has happened to other Yorkies. If I leave him out there, even for two minutes, I find him standing outside the door waiting for me. It's like having a preschooler, I have to sit on the patio while he plays. The difference - and it is a big one - is that he is content to chase around looking for lizards and do his own doggie thing, and doesn't subject me to an endless barrage of "Mom? Mommy? Mom? Mom? Hey Mom! What's this? Watch this? Are you watching? You're not watching!! He's teasing me! She's a brat! Mom? MommEEEEE!!!" They all told me I'd miss those days when my kids were grown, and be sorry they were grown up. They were full of shit. I can knit, listen to headphones, drink a glass of wine, enjoy the scent of the jasmine, and It Is Very Good Indeed. I was (am) a good mother but my life never totally revolved around them, and none of us seem to be the worse for it.

Yesterday I kept looking at my hair and thinking it looked like it had been styled by rabid weasels and swore I'd go get it cut this week. Today it looks much better. Funny how just thinking about a haircut causes hair to behave. There is that line between sexy, bed head messy and bag lady hair, and mine keeps wobbling on that line as the layers start drifting off to do their own thing. I think I need to get it trimmed so it steps back from that line, but I do like having longer hair. I'm just getting to the point where it is long enough - past this and it's scraggly - and it needs shaping. Where to go for this is the question. I'm tempted to just try a walk in at a new shop - I'm looking for very basic, very minor trimming, I don't think that even a walk in place could mess it up too much. I know, famous last words....

I've almost finished the second Vintage Bubble Bag, it should be a done and felted deal by the weekend. I'm about 14 inches into the mistake rib scarf, and I love this yarn (Plymouth Charisma) and the colors and could scream because it has been discontinued. It is the yarn that turned me on to the potential of really nice handpainted yarns, I will miss it.

And I am bracing/gearing up for MDS&W. I have money, I have a hold on some books on CD at the library (thank God for the online system) and I have a mental packing list, which is quite light. I am bringing little knitting with me, maybe a sock to finish, but the Denise needles are going in the bag "just in case."

Oh, the next two weeks should be very lively! I'm excited! Even the practical things to be done - trim the jasmine so the puppy can't disappear into it, get the oil changed in the car, etc. - seem slightly exciting because they are being done for fun reasons. I'm even jazzed about the long drive - books on CD, lots of caffeine, a good head-clearing trip up to my native land, which I will of course barely recognize - even the drive will be fun. I do a lot of thinking on long car trips and I don't mind driving at all. I find flying much more annoying. Road Trip!


  1. i cant wait until you get the pup..take lots of pics..:-)
    i have a shih tzu and love her dearly and take tons of pics of her..i am a picture fool...
    take care,

  2. And, time away from work!

  3. Anonymous1:22 PM

    How do.
    Looking forward to seeing you at MD! Your idea of lots of caff. coffee, books on CDs (mine will be on tape) & a long drive for clearing the mind have me even more jazzed about my drive from Philly to MD. And all the KR folks will be great enablers w/all the shopping for bright, dramatic colors.

  4. I have done this drive many times, though not in years! I've never done it totally solo but I've done it with two smallish children, so solo sounds easy. I am stoked. I'll be tired but driving is so mentally relaxing compared to what I do all day at work it's a day off.

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    God bless whoever thought of audio books. Not only great for long trips, but they save me from road rage on my daily commute. Linda

  6. My daily commute is 15 minutes (another reason why I will change jobs with great thought and care - better to bitch about the devil you know...) so I don't do the books on that route, but they do make the time fly on a longer drive.
