Thursday, April 28, 2005

OMG, it gets better...

Girl just called me - they have a truck and she is giddy with relief. When I knew they were delayed I called U-Haul's 800 number and confirmed the reservation and asked what time the pick-up place closed, and was told 7. Thank GOD the kids called me when she picked her brother up at the airport and I suggested they call the place and tell them they were delayed, because they actually closed at 6. They were nice enough to stay till 6:30 and they have achieved Truck.

We are a moving family. We move like a well oiled machine. We were corporate gypsies more than a few times in their growing up years and we are damn good at it. We know to confirm, pre-schedule, have contingency plans. We Know How to Pack. This may be the best Clusterfuck Averted story of our storied moving careers - and I'm so proud that the kids have grown to duck and weave and roll with the punches of the transient life.



  1. you crack me up...I love reading your blog...

  2. Thanks, this was just my ungrammatical and slightly inebriated (by the time I wrote it) actual day. God forbid the Grammar Avengers come ridin' for me, they'd be shocked to know I usta be one uh them there English majors in an actual college-type place. Then I switched to law and my ability to place a comma was burned out of my head with a cattle prod....

  3. Yow! What a day!

    Well, glad to see that things more or less worked out.

    Perhaps you could give certain people at your company bath beads laced with cyanide... or if you don't want and homicides, something that will make them itch for HOURS.

  4. Anonymous1:30 PM

    go Catherine and her kickass offspring! Now, ahem. We Want Puppy Pictures.

  5. Impatient Caroline, we do not yet have Puppy. He will be home on Tuesday. Girl says she's going to take a million pictures, and I will give her the Secret Blog Access Code (click on this thing) so she can guest blog if she wishes while I'm in MD.
