Friday, March 11, 2005

Friday - Whew!

If Tagboard is still dead tonight I'm pulling it out of my template. Comments work okay, now that Blogger has made them a bit more accessible. If anyone out there can help me figure out how to add an RSS feed (vs Atom) to this blog I'd be most grateful. I'm considering a move to another host, but, well, I'm lazy.

Girlchild is up in Jax with friends and boyfriend. She left yesterday while I was at work. It was fun having her home and I'm looking forward to her living here again while she's working her internship, but obviously we will need to adjust to "normal" behavior then. When she's here for two days, it's a party - eating, drinking, shopping, it was great fun but fattening and expensive. She hasn't lived at home for 4 years, and when she is home it's like having a guest. She's bored without her stuff and her friends, and I'm off my routine because she's here and I want to spend time with her, so we tend to be a bit over-indulgent. Come May 1 we must adjust to living together sharing a house as adults, which should be interesting but not too difficult. We do get along fine, we're just bad influences on each other - "Let's order Chinese food!" "Okay!!" "Those sandals are so cute!" "Ooh, try them on!"

I think I gained 3 pounds during her visit, and I'm not kidding. It was a two-day party and blew my diet and exercise routines out of the water - this weekend I will be doing penance.

Maryland Sheep and Wool is looking more and more like a possibility. One of my cousins up there emailed to say she'd like to get together while I'm in the area, so now the "long weekend" may grow into a longer trip. I'm still thinking of driving, because though gas prices are obscene, airfare plus rental car plus gas while I'm gallivanting around the DC metro area would be worse than the probably 3 tanks it'll take me to get up 95.

Last night I had an urge to cast on a child-sized hat out of some leftover Cascade 220 - would you believe I could not find a size 5 or 6 16-inch circular in my entire enormous arsenal? How can that BE? I have tons of needles, yet not a one in this size. Perhaps I will have to force myself to stop in at Knit! tomorrow - just for a needle, you know.

I have to get ready for the HOA garage sale in a few weeks - I'm going to put out a lot of the excess stash, and knitting books that disappointed me, along with the usual household goods. I'm not a big fan of garage sales but I've known for a couple of years that I really need to have one. Old clothes and shoes get donated to various charities, but most local clothing banks have little use for racquetball rackets and lacrosse sticks. (Girl said I could sell her stick, she has her screwed-up ankle as a permanent souvenir of her high school lacrosse days.) Any money scored at the garage sale becomes MSW trip fundage.

It's time to restructure the stash along with the rest of my life - out with much of the the worsted woolly sweater stuff, in with the light tank-top cotton blends. My knitting life revolves around socks and accessories and maybe some baby and kid items, I do not need 10 balls of rust colored wool, I haven't used it and never will, and the fact that it was "an amazing bargain" doesn't change that.

Time to get into the shower and go start my Friday. Happy weekend to all!

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