Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Celebrity Bloggers I Love....

Yes, believe it or not, there are people who blog about things other than KNITTING! And some of them are famous and have cool jobs! Yet, they are people like knitters, and ramble on like knitters, and fun to read - like knitters! Imagine that!

If my daughter didn't already have a very quality boyfriend, I'd be very in favor of arranged marriages, because I love Jason Mraz and unless he's into the Demi and Ashton thing, I'm out of the running, but at least I could listen to him ramble on and make me laugh without it being...weird. I am, however, willing to spend 3 hours a day at the gym if it gives me a shot....

And if my daughter breaks up with the fine boyfriend and turns her nose up at Jason Mraz, there's always: Zach Braff.

Just two. One of these days I'll update my sidebar and make it way cooler.


  1. As amazingly adorable as both those blogs are, I just took Zach Braff off my daily reads, because he updates so rarely.

    He's darn cute, though, and a heck of an adorable person as well... if you do find out it's a go on the Ashton/Demi thing, I'll back you up for either of them

  2. Oddly, he had just updated when I posted the link. I hadn't read him in two months - I figured after Garden State had run its course, he was done blogging. Jason Mraz fractures me, he has that stream-of-dippy-consciousness thing I adore in funny writers. Dave Barry as a young musician and with fewer booger jokes. But my daughter has voted for Braff, so that's okay too.
