Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sooo, About Politics....

 Now that I've taken a moment and had a couple of very good nights' sleep, my two cents:

 I found out that Biden wasn't running for re-election from my daughter, who texted me, depressed and a bit freaked out. And I joined her in that freakout - we who are old enough to remember the shit Hillary went through had a period of mourning for the worst case scenario again, this time with added racism! Oh, goody, we are fucked. 

For me, that period lasted about two hours. 

First: I am, and always have been, a huge President Biden fan, but he wasn't my first choice in 2020. (God, is anyone else having timeline trouble? I keep confusing 2020 and 2016, because this chaos has gone so long.) 

Anyway, he wasn't my first, second, or 4th choice, but later I saw how Biden made so much sense. He was the antidote to the crazy shit, a very experienced, connected and respected old political wise man. And I remember saying at the time that this would work. He could just do one term, and be the experienced hand that would guide us out of the shitshow of the Trump era. And he was exactly that, and will go down in history as the guy who righted the crazy ship and got it back on course and did an amazing lot of good for the country despite the sheer insanity from whatever the fuck the Republican party is now.

So I had never expected Joe Biden to stick around into his 80s doing that exhausting and stressful job. I'd absolutely have supported him if he chose to, but after the media bullshit about his "debate" performance (it wasn't a real debate, he showed up for a debate, the other guy showed up for a rally-style lie fest) it was just so weird. I stopped listening to the usual news outlets, because it appeared they'd all been programmed with the same story: Biden can't do a second term! I did think that it was weird that this all came up so late in the game, but that's why I'm not a political advisor.

I slept like shit for the last couple of weeks, culminating Sunday with The Announcement. And then I spent about 2 hours in panic mode, until I took a few breaths and watched the endorsements rolling in and the MONEY rolling in for Harris. And I started realizing this is transformative, and an amazing opportunity for our country, and our dear old Uncle Joe knew exactly what he was doing. 

Joe was prepared to serve or bow out, whichever he was called to do, because Damn, that man is one of the few, true patriots in politics, and when he decided that bowing out was the right call, he did it in Dark Brandon style: on a Sunday afternoon in a written statement, then endorsing Kamala Harris.  

It left the media scrambling to fill hours of airtime with vacuous talking heads with nothing to talk about! Give people time to process the news, decide for themselves how they felt, and respond accordingly? What a concept!

And suddenly the internets weren't all doomscrolling and bullshit, in hours it shifted to energy and organzing, and the money and the endorsements flowed like a river, and I felt...hope?? I slept 8 solid hours last night for the first time in weeks.

Meanwhile, the GOP (I won't call them Trumpers or MAGA, because at this point they are deservedly joined to their monster - they are REPUBLICANS. ) are scrambling to find a new way to present their rambling madman as a valid alternative. Good luck with that.

Me, I'm writing for Postcards to Voters and also for Postcards to Swing States. I'm donating to campaigns when I can. I understand the assignment, and I also know it's vital to give President Harris a Congress that is there to do its job and work for the American people.



  1. I know exactly what you mean! I love President Biden and wish him all the very best! Sunday certainly was nerve wracking but I'm quite sure it will turn out for the best. Love the energy of Kamala, she is wonderful. With the power of 10 thousand suns I despise all of the GOP but I'm trying really hard to stay focused on the positive.

  2. Anonymous9:12 PM

    First time I've had hope since 2015. My feelings about Biden were the same in 2020, and he's done a damn fine job. But Harris: "We are not going back."
