Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Matthew's Not Listening.

The rest of the week will be devoted to storm prep, it seems.


Unknown said...

My gift to all my family who went thru the floods in LA was emergency radios that work off battery, power, and solar. They also have plugs to charge small devices like phones, assuming the cell towers arent knocked out. My niece was stranded for nearly a week in the floods and my sister was frantic when her phone went dead. We May get some of the effects in DC too, but too early to tell. Here's to well stocked cabinets, t.p., pet food, a manual can opener and wine. And a stash of cash and a full tank of gas.

Caroline said...

Ugh. I spent way too many years doing that in Miam-uh.
Be gentle with yourself. And hugs. Not giving up, still sticking go left pins in the Matthew doll!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Matthew, go away!

Gae, in Callala Bay

KatyaR said...

Hang in there, and let's hope it takes a quick turn out to sea.

Anonymous said...

I have the world's most basic mouse pattern, and had a great feltable wool to go with it - the mix actually included some angora which gave a soft fluffy effect that was irresistible to felines.

Knit a garter stitch square, cast off all but the last three stitches, I-cord the 3 stitches to appropriate tail length.
Fold square into triangle, stuff. Throw in washing machine on 'brutal' setting. Never bothered with catnip or a bell. Never any complaints from the recipients.

Gae, in Callala Bay