Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Interesting to read

Cancer's horoscope for March. I found the references to "defending your thesis" particularly interesting, as my daughter shares my sign and is finishing her last semester of grad school, and is, yup, working on her master's project right now.

I'm glad March is looking so much more positive, because February was pretty much 28 days of stress and unexpected expenses. In March I shall put pen to paper, study spiritual beliefs, get a haircut (done) and get new glasses. My personal vow for March - give myself as much attention as I give the property and the pets. Somehow I always find the money for those things, while I am coming up on two years without an eye exam and I KNOW my prescription has changed. I have decent vision coverage now, so it's Time. I'm even going to be wild and crazy and get some prescription sunglasses too!

Yay March! I like you already!

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