Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fall in Florida

The week of daily rain and insane humidity is over, and we've cooled to a balmy 84 degrees, and the humidity has dropped! No, really, that's not snark - it feels great! I didn't sweat like I was digging a ditch while walking the dogs at 7 a.m. for the first time since...May? It was 68!!! You have no idea how heavenly 68 and low humidity feels after months of 77 and air so humid sweat doesn't evaporate. Maybe in a month it'll be open windows at night time. Aaaah....

 I may be making a speedy trip to AVL next week. Details are still being hammered out, but I want to squeeze in a quick fall trip to see the new house and Supergirl. I talked to my son today (who jokes that he now has 4 jobs and 11 bosses - big things are happening in his life in Beer City) to figure out his schedule, which is ridiculous. Supergirl was in the car with him while we spoke and knew I was on the other end of the call, and asked when I was coming with MurphyandSophie. (She wanted us to start driving right now and be there today.)

Yeah, that sort of complicates the trip a bit. I was actually thinking about leaving Murphy behind on this one. Travel is so overly exciting for him, I was considering leaving him with my daughter and his old friends at his old house for just a couple of days. There are days to think about the logistics of this, if it happens at all, because other complications on both ends are complicated. I'll probably end up bringing both, because they are MurphyandSophie and Supergirl loves them both and wants both to visit, and Murphy has been (knocking wood) doing great on his Science Diet food. Knockingwoodreallyreallyhard.

 In other news, Miss D is racing toward Being One Year Old! Baby school is easing her out of the baby room into the Toddlers, where she has a busy day of playtime inside and outside, and lunch, and naptime, and I suspect she'll drop crawling for walking for good, and start talking a lot more, now that she will have "big kid" role models who are oh, 19 months and stuff! Seniors to our little freshman! She is so impatient to be a big kid I think she will love it, but it'll be exhausting at first.

Saturday is her birthday party. Her mom and other grandmother and I are pulling together a modest wingding at the community clubhouse here, which is a fancy word for a small block building with a rentable room with a kitchen and bathrooms and a playground outside. We can rent it for ten bucks an hour, and the venue is one of my birthday gifts to her, because the house can't hold more than 8 people and right now I think we're at 16+. We'll do a kid-friendly lunchtime party with sandwiches and sides and chips and dips, cake and ice cream, the little kids can go run wild on the playground, there's enough parking for a dozen cars, and Done Deal. Everyone can go home to nap by 4.

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