Thursday, March 08, 2012

And Happy Birthday, Supergirl!

This was taken at the wedding in October. Madame Alexander called, she wants her doll back. She is more than just a pretty face - she's smart and funny, talks up a storm in complete sentences with adjectives and adverbs, counts in Spanish (Gracias, Dora!) I'm glad we can Skype, but it really doesn't cut it when I look at this picture and want to sit on the couch with this smart, funny kid, and read books and critique Sesame Street. I asked her dad what she wanted for her birthday, the answer was "books and clothes." She is her mother's daughter for sure, and also Two going on Thirteen. Happy birthday and love from Namaw, Murphy and Sophie.


  1. Awww Happy Birthday Supergrrrl!

    Aunt Lella

  2. looks more like her aunt every day - look at those long legs!
