Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Forget What I Said Just Last Night.

So, every single freaking time I say, "Oh, Murphy's MUCH better!" that triggers a relapse. You'd think I would know by now, wouldn't you?

I was awakened at 3:15 a.m. by the instantly recognizable sound of a dog horking. The dog was on my bed at the time. Poor little thing barfed up his entire stomach contents and then some before I could get to him to put him on the floor to finish the job. This is after a couple of days when he was just fine - he had cleaned his plate at dinner, pooped normally, etc. After his Exorcist-style wake-up call we went outside, where he had diarrhea. He refused his morning snack and went to his blankie, the picture of sadness.

And I had to leave him - I had my Board of Realtors induction today, and if I skipped it I'd have to wait two weeks until the next session. I had to be there, so I left him. He did drink some water this morning but wouldn't eat anything. I was very worried about him all morning, and possibly broke a few speed limits on my way home. I did see him drink water before I left, but it's unnerving when a very tiny dog with no meat on his little bones is losing fluids from both ends, because he could dehydrate in no time flat. I called the vet on our first break and made an appt for 4 this afternoon, and was home by a quarter till 2.

He greeted me at the door and is obviously feeling MUCH better. No new accidents, just the stains from the 3 a.m. barf fest. I knew he had to be completely empty, so I offered him a light meal of a little bit of dry food with maybe a tablespoon of chopped chicken breast on top. He cleaned his plate and now he seems to be in no distress at all. We will see what the vet finds. Maybe he needs different/stronger meds, I don't know, but prednisolone isn't working its usual magic this time.

P.S. The snack just came back up.


  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    oh poor little guy-- and poor you, too, Catherine!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there will be a relatively easy (and inexpensive) fix for this.

  2. It may sound silly to some - but I am praying for Murphy to get better.

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I will pray for him, too. You must be truly worn out. Hugs to you both.

