So, I woke way too early again this morning. The dying cat was still with us. In fact, he seems much perkier, and followed me around making happy little bripping noises. I checked the litter box, and it contained his usual output of pee - after a day of very little urine output, it appears the faucet is on again. But he hadn't eaten his overnight can, and though he cried until I opened a fresh can of a different flavor, he picked at it and wouldn't eat. I opened two different former favorite flavors of Fancy Feast, both were rejected.
So, today we had a perkier looking Ancient Cat who IS able to pee, but now refusing to eat. Not for lack of an appetite - every time I set foot in the kitchen he followed me, talking, and went to stand where I put his dish. He would make I'm Starving sounds and look Emaciated and Pitiful.
I'd offer a fresh can of a different flavor. He'd take two bites and walk away.
So I decided to do the ultimate test. I'd open a can of tuna (people tuna, not cat food) and offer him some. If he refused people tuna I'd have a clear sign that something was very seriously wrong, and I'd call the vet at noon.
You can guess what happened next. The old SOB cleaned his plate and asked for more. I am re-evaluating this "dying cat", and will hold off on calling the vet just yet. He's cheerful and manipulating me into giving him the Good Stuff. He may actually be dying, but he's certainly not suffering, at least not as long as he can convince me to open a can of Bumblebee.
At least the salty tuna may get him to be thirsty. Poor old guy, can't speak human but certainly trying to tell you something. Maybe he's saying thank you for all the fish? This is not a joke, really. I hope he has a peaceful passing, for both of your sakes. hugs
ReplyDeleteOh, he's been drinking water all along, and now I'm seriously re-evaluating the odds of his imminent demise. After 24 hours of acting like he was at death's door, he's back to being himself. As long as he doesn't seem to be suffering - and he certainly does not - I'm just going to let him be.