It's a bit shorter than I'd anticipated, but it needed some serious layer consolidation to adapt it to this humid climate. It looks mostly like the pic in the sidebar, but a bit shorter. And it cost an arm and a leg, and welcome home! Between Murphy and me, I better sell some expensive houses in the next year to support our grooming needs - though my cut will last at least 8 weeks before becoming scraggly, and I do my own color because I hate sitting still at a salon for that many hours. And I did walk out with gift certificates and other goodies to shower on friends and clients, so, worth the price.
Another thing that turned out to be worth the price: I bought an annual pass to The Biltmore last year, after I visited with pregnant Girlmama during the summer. I hadn't made up my mind about moving yet but figured I'd use it again after the wedding, and did, so it more than paid for itself with free admission for me, discounted tickets for them plus gift shop discounts, yes, it was worth it.
I was satisfied - then the other day they sent me their passholder goodies for the winter. Two free passes(!) and a bunch of other discounts! Some are rather impractical - does anyone really need a BOGO on carriage rides? But 20% off dinner at one of the restaurants on the estate is a deal. They are only good through the end of February, so I texted my son and offered them to him - they were very excited. They can leave Supergirl with the other grandparental units and make a day of it and dine, too - a grownup date, both fancy and cheap. I had no idea that the perks included free tickets when I bought the pass and they are excited to get them, so everybody's happy. I was slightly kicking myself for spending money on an annual pass after making up my mind to move back to FL, but now I'm glad I did - it paid for itself with the post-wedding visit and this was just lovely icing on the cake.
And another thing - bifocal sunglasses. Not prescription, but just off the rack reading magnifiers in sunglasses. I had forgotten these damn things existed (I didn't need them two years ago and only saw them in catalogs). Now, I desperately need and want them. Right now, thanks to my new contacts that corrected my distance vision to spectacular, I have to take off sunglasses and put on readers to program my cellphone's GPS, or read a text, or dial a number, anything within 5 feet of my eyeballs. I had forgotten that they existed until a chance encounter yesterday. Another lady and I were entering the post office at the same time, and she commented that we had really similar sunglasses then said hers were bifocals, and I shrieked, "I need those!"
Getting old is fun - there's a support system of happy, friendly people who offer unsolicited advice about shit like bifocal sunglasses. So I googled, and ordered two pair (because one cannot have too many pairs of off-the-rack reading glasses).
It's been a productive few days.
Ah, young one, just wait till you are old enough for the wonders of cataract surgery. I had both eyes done last year, a month apart.
ReplyDeleteAbsotively and Posilutely amazing.
And the time in the theatre (about 20 minutes) is mostly taken up with preparations, sterile drapes and so on, and later disassembling the drapes and getting you on the gurney again, the actual op takes about 5 minutes. The next day when they uncover your eye for the first time, ok, it is a bit blurry, then you do a double take.
Distance is wonderful, still need readers. But everything is so bright and clear. Had no idea they had got so bad....... in less than six months, at that
Gae, in Callala Bay
Changing hairstylists is terrfiying. That's why I'm still driving back to Baltimore to see mine. But you are not in meltdown, so it must be fine!
ReplyDeleteGae, I'm hoping that by the time I need cataract surgery they'll have found a way to combine it with the other crap wrong in my eyes, including the minorly crinkled retina/souvenir of the brain thang. Although I function just fine in the world and am not a hazard on the road (I log a lot of miles a year and my driving record is spotless), I tense up every time I have to take an eye exam at the DMV!
ReplyDeleteMy hair will do. It's a very basic clean-up cut at this point, making it more blunt to give it more weight in the humidity. I am not "Oh wow, best haircut EVARRR!" but it looks good. In a month the length will be just right - this was the adjustment cut, getting rid of a lot of finer layers that HATE this climate.