The dogs have managed to stir to eat and potty, but otherwise have been laid out recovering. And they didn't even drink like the rest of us!
I went to bed early last night. Murphy woke me at a quarter to midnight because he desperately had to pee - prednisolone, not his fault, I get it, he's a good boy who doesn't want to have an accident, so we went out and hoo boy, his little eyeballs must have been floating. Back to bed, toss, turn, warm, muggy night. Door to the balcony open, ceiling fan on, it was still too warm for even my light cotton blanket. (Remembering why I moved to the mountains, and missing the chilly nights.) Finally fell asleep again around 1, and had weird, eggnog-powered dreams until Higgins woke me at 4:45 a.m., with his smoke alarm MRRRRAOOWWWW! screech. It was garbage day and I needed to get the trash out, but they don't come that damn early. Cumulative sleep hours - barely 6. Uninterrupted sleep hours - maybe 4.5? Effing Cat.
I am somewhat horrified by what I consumed in the last few days, and woke all sanctimonious about getting back on the healthy track - and then was invited to go visit Cousin C this week. We'll go to my favorite beach restaurant for lunch, and Cousin S wants to make his famous stuffed boneless chicken breasts for dinner, and of course there will be wine, and...yeah. I did walk briskly for an hour this morning and it felt great, but it'll be January 2 before I am out from under the holidays for real. Not that I'm complaining, but damn I can see the bloat, and while it was fun, I can't keep this up more than a couple more days.
Tomorrow a cold front is supposed to pass through, we will get a lot of rain and it will drop our temperatures significantly Wednesday through Fridayish. Lows in the 40s! Highs in the 60s! Break out the jackets, UGGs, scarves and mittens people! I got a huge kick out of the number of women who felt that 73 degrees, overcast and humid was grounds to break out their cute boots at the supermarket today. I was wearing flip-flops. But it really will feel chilly at Cousin C's, and I will be packing long sleeves and a sweater for dining at our favorite beach restaurant.
This was the year of the gift certificate - my kids came through with ones they know I'll use fast on patio furniture and clothing and such. The unexpected was the Petsmart card from Cousin S and J! What a lovely surprise, and I will share it with Girlmama - we'll have to do a Petsmart splurge trip and snag food and treats for the crew.
I'm making plans and setting my priorities for 2012. Fun is going to be a major priority. Taking care of ME. It's overdue, and like they say in the safety instructions on the airplane, you have to put your own oxygen mask on first.
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