Monday, November 14, 2011

The Cat Joins the Family.

Higgins has decided that this new home may not totally suck, and I'm pleased with his rapid adjustment. For one of his advanced years and crankyness, he's being quite a good sport about it all. He's particularly fond of the balcony, and as I type this he's sleeping in a chair in the sunshine.

I encouraged this by ignoring his moping and cheering on every sign of progress. Little by little, I removed the special accommodations I'd given him in the guest bathroom - first, the private water dish was removed. If he got thirsty he'd have to walk the 10 or 12 feet to the communal water dish in the kitchen. He did. Then I stopped feeding him privately - he eats with the dogs. He was okay with that. He would still retreat to the bathroom between these forays into his Scary New World, but he'd stay out longer and longer. Within 3 days he'd decided that living in the litterbox is gross, and the tile floors are really hard on his un-padded old bones. There are windows to look out and lots and lots of squirrels and birds.

So, the cat has officially moved in and is doing quite fine. Check "relocate cat" off the To-Do List.

I'm quite obsessed with my to-do lists lately, because, probably due to the stress of the move and not sleeping well for the last few weeks, my short term memory is back down to its post-brain-thing level, best described as "a fruitfly on meth." I will think of an Important Thing I Need to Do, promise myself I won't forget about it, and forget it 5 seconds later. I walk into rooms and stand there confused about why I am there, and a running list of things I need to get done isn't just a good idea, it's absolutely necessary.

It's November, and every year I consider not ordering the next year's inserts for my Franklin Planner. I have a smart phone and Google Calendar, do I really need the paper planner too? I believe the answer is Hell Yeah. It's much easier for me to keep lists and write notes to myself and cross things off on a paper planner than on the smart phone. So, though I tell myself I really don't need the paper planner anymore, I'm not quite ready to give it up. Add "buy 2012 planner inserts" to the running to-do list.

I didn't knit a stitch for weeks, but in the last few days I finished Supergirl's Hoodie. All the granddaughter sweaters need are buttons - let's see how many days it takes me to get around to them. Fruitfly on meth, I swear.


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Love the image "fruitfly on meth"-- sure applies to me too and I have no brain thing to blame it on... *sigh* Very happy to hear that Higgins is joining the rest of the family, even if slowly. Paper to-do lists rule in my house!!

  2. Yes! The Franklin Planner is the only way to go.

  3. I use my planner for a diary, and it worked great until the surgery, and my brain can't retain ANYTHING for more than five seconds for the last month or so.

    Gratz an the knitting of the hoodie. And yay! Higgins is back in a sunny chair. Now to just get that fridge fixed! This too shall pass..
