Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weekend Update, with Baby Cuteness.

Another week has passed before I found the time and energy to assemble words into sentences. It's been a good week overall. I'm learning the local real estate market and having a blast. I've signed up for a productivity coaching offered by the firm, and really like my coach - he's a nice guy with good advice and practical information to share. We get together every couple of weeks to plan my activities to build my business, and yesterday's meeting was very empowering - I'm on the right track and know what I'm doing. (I know this is true - I really do know this business and am not your typical "rookie agent," but it's still nice to hear it from the person who is there to give me advice if I'm NOT on the right track.) I'm scheduled to work two open houses next weekend, I plan to pick up all the floor duty shifts I can in June, and I have several fun-work networking things scheduled for the week. It's lovely to be in charge of my own life - yes, giving up the illusion of security that I had in my dead-end life in a corporate cube farm has been a little scary, but the positive side is ginormous.

Enough work talk. Today's plan is a morning trip to the Asheville City Market, followed by (weather permitting) an afternoon play date between Supergirl and Murphy. Sophie will stay home for this one, so Murphy can have some one-on-one time playing with the object of his affection, and hopefully calm the hell down a bit around her. She has decided she likes dogs, but Murphy's mad, obsessive love can be hard to take even when you're not 14 months old and getting the full blast of dog breath and passionate non-stop kissy slobber in your face. I'm hoping that a walk and a session of throwing the ball in the little dog park will cool his ardor to the point where he can control himself. She can say, "No!" and "Stop!" and "Down!" now, so it's time for Murphy to learn that he must obey her. I'd love to watch her at my house now and then, and teaching Murphy to not be a love-crazed PITA when she is here is a critical first step.

She's a big girl now - here she is a few weeks ago, playing her uncle's drums.


  1. Supergirl is too cute for words! I see a budding Sheila E in the making!

  2. I love how she's not just banging on the closest one, she's really "playing" them! I asked my son if she'd watched a grownup play them and he said no, so perhaps this is natural talent. :-)

  3. What style! What rhythm! Love it :) She's a natural indeedy...

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Wow, a REAL drum kit - my young ones were never so lucky.
    I provided simple 'toot whistle plunk and boom' type instruments from a very early age, and later on both had piano lessons.
    When the grandchildren arrived, I replaced any of the old t.w.p.&.b instruments that had gone AWOL. Another generation of noisy fun.
    Eldest grandchild decided that she preferred to be "the 'Ducter". A mean hand with a baton.

    Gae, in Callala Bay

  5. Gae, her uncle is a professional musician and his house has all sorts of instruments, and he's also an indulgent dad who lets his son and niece use "the good stuff" under supervision. As you can hear from the audio, the grownups were mostly worried that she'd fall off the chair while vigorously playing an adult drum kit! I was impressed that she understood that "playing drums" meant using all the drums! When she reached for the cymbals I just melted! :-)

  6. Oh and my kids were never so lucky to be exposed to this at this age. School band and recorders and a rented sax were IT - is it purely a coincidence that both married into musical people?

  7. Anonymous1:16 AM

    And I have never believed in being too 'precious' about the piano, which is actually a very good, local maker, German iron frame bought in 1953.

    Infants usually 'play' the piano with their fists - no way that can harm the instrument. It is always fascinating to watch for the step up from the fist to the first attempts at 'fingering'.

    Still, we have not yet produced a musician.

    Gae, in Callala Bay

  8. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Ginger Baker videos in her future I was thinking but then she has an uncle who is a pro. Very sweet! Music makes the world go round. What a cute little girl!


  9. Her uncle mostly plays guitar; I'm not sure who the drummer really is. I'm sort of hoping she'll switch to guitar or piano - I've lived next door to a drummer. :-) Come to think of it, she already plays better than that guy!
