Thursday, March 03, 2011

Let's Play "Versus."

Borrowing the concept from America's Funniest Home Videos, except this really isn't very funny. I'm only borrowing the "versus" idea. I read the Asheville paper online every day, as well as the many local arts and culture papers, and I also still read The Orlando Sentinel, to see what's going on there. And, damn. The difference is often striking, but not often as absolutely sad/funny as today's comparison of the top stories on each - girls' basketball vs. SWAT team.

The Asheville Citizen-Times


The Orlando Sentinel

Nothing says "Why did you leave Florida?" quite as concisely as this.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Charming. I just think the Asheville scene is going to be a lot better for you!
    Hope the pups are doing well- I know the hassle with dental wok for an older dog, but even though I fret over it, it always makes them healthier in the long run.

  2. Yeah, Murphy will be 1l in 3 weeks, and Yorkies tend to have dental issues with those itty bitty teeth in their mature years. His blood work showed he has an elevated white blood count, which could be due to a dental infection. Time to just get it done.

  3. Um, that's "11" - I'm not sure what those characters are!
